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CSS-Tricks. PHP Stuff. A Better Blogroll Using SimplePie to parse the RSS feeds from a couple of sites, jQuery to "slide" between them, and of course some fancy CSS/XHTML and design, we have what I'm calling "A Better Blogroll".

PHP Stuff

Better seen than described. Download Files View Demo Basic Chat Room (v2) PHP is used to read and write to a flat text file. jQuery polls the text file for changes. Download Files Read Article Website Change Request Form This form has advanced styling, AJAX submission, validation, cookie value remembering, and sends nice HTML email. Download Files View Demo CakePHP Starter Project Event manager application for CakePHP. Download Files Read Article Contact Form Web Forms get a bad rap for being hard to style. Download Files View Demo iPhone Interface from any RSS Feed Using SimplePie, jQuery and CSS you can make your own slick iPhone interface from ANY RSS feed.

Components. Available glyphs Includes over 250 glyphs in font format from the Glyphicon Halflings set.


Glyphicons Halflings are normally not available for free, but their creator has made them available for Bootstrap free of cost. As a thank you, we only ask that you include a link back to Glyphicons whenever possible. How to use For performance reasons, all icons require a base class and individual icon class. CSS3 Button Generator. Generateur de boutons CSS3 - Design et programmation web2 - Dji. Développement CSS animation, transition, font, playground, ...

Generateur de boutons CSS3 - Design et programmation web2 - Dji

Développement Javascript jQuery, Javascript, performance, ... Développement PHP test unitaire, librairies, ... Développement HTML5 HTML5 Api, localStorage, geolocalisation, ... Animated Books with CSS 3D Transforms. A creative way to show interactive books using CSS 3D Transforms.

Animated Books with CSS 3D Transforms

View demo Download source In this playground we’ll show you some creative, animated books with CSS 3D transforms and transitions. We’ll show you two types of book designs: hardcover and paperback. Both were made to be easily modifiable in some of their content parts using CSS, images, anchors and some extra little details :) Please note: this only works as intended in browsers that support the respective CSS properties.

Transitions for Off-Canvas Navigations. Some inspiration for transition effects for off-canvas navigations.

Transitions for Off-Canvas Navigations

View demo Download source Today we’d like to share another set of transition effects with you. This time we’ll explore transitions for sidebars or off-canvas content like the one we’ve used in the Multi-Level Push Menu. The idea is to show some hidden sidebar with a subtle transition on the element itself and also on the remaining content. Usually the sidebar slides in, pushing the other content to the side. Animated Content Tabs with CSS3. About us You think water moves fast?

Animated Content Tabs with CSS3

You should see ice. It moves like it has a mind. Like it knows it killed the world once and got a taste for murder. After the avalanche, it took us a week to climb out. How we work Like you, I used to think the world was this great place where everybody lived by the same standards I did, then some kid with a nail showed me I was living in his world, a world where chaos rules not order, a world where righteousness is not rewarded. Services Do you see any Teletubbies in here? Excellence Portfolio. 20 tutoriaux CSS3 pour vous préparer au futur du web. Le web design évolue constamment, au grès des modes et des technologies.

20 tutoriaux CSS3 pour vous préparer au futur du web

Les graphistes et designers doivent non seulement garder un oeil sur les nouvelles tendances mais aussi sur les dernières technologies comme jQuery, HTML5 et CSS3, qui permettent d’exprimer une plus grande créativité tout enrichissant l’expérience de l’utilisateur. CSS/Data Types. Créer un site web gratuitement. Aquaticus.Social by jwloh on deviantART. 72 Sets of Free Social Bookmarking Icons - Icons. 72 Sets of Free Social Bookmarking Icons July 14th, 2009Category: Icons 35c0e0d800c114dca2ad704afab78e90 Hello there!

72 Sets of Free Social Bookmarking Icons - Icons

If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic. Plus de 100 000 Ressources d'icones sur internet (petite compile) Au fur et à mesure des trouvailles sur internet, on voit qu’un des objets virtuels les plus prisés est l’icone.

Plus de 100 000 Ressources d'icones sur internet (petite compile)

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Ressources web gratuites : Icones rss, logos 2.0, guide référencement...

(Via le Journal du blog) [download#1#image] Google Booklet : Optimisez votre contenu Google en personne nous livre ses conseils pour améliorer le contenu de notre site et rassemble toutes ses informations dans un seul PDF, le tout en français ! Aquaticus.Social by jwloh on deviantART. Plus de 100 000 Ressources d'icones sur internet (petite compile) Les icones gratuites du mois de septembre 2010. Sans plus attendre, voici ma sélection d'icones gratuites pour le mois de septembre 2010.

Au total 8 pack d'icones gratuites à télécharger pour vos projets d'applications web et mobiles. Pack d'icones gratuites: CMS icon set 10 icones au format PNG en 256 * 256px Télécharger le pack Icones d'e-commerce gratuites 21 icones au format PNG, PSD, AI. OnceAgain by Delacro on deviantART. Aquaticus Social Icons - Download Popular icon pack from IconsPedia. 30 packs d'icônes pour vos réseaux sociaux - Les 161 icônes pour 'twitter' sur - Page 4.

OnceAgain by Delacro on deviantART. Créer magazine virtuel.
