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What will happen when human gets crazy

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Teenager Arrested In England For Criticizing Olympic Athlete On Twitter. How Our Brains Stop Us From Achieving Our Goals (and How to Fight Back) - Aurora. It Never Gets Better. Cat Parasite May Increase Risk of Suicide In Humans. Kim Scheinberg's answer to Apple Inc.: How does Apple keep secrets so well? - Quora - Aurora. Skillets in the shapes of each of the continental states of the USA - Boing Boing - Aurora. Egyptian Women Confront Patriarchy. But when her father, a religious conservative, saw electric prod marks on her body, they revived memories of his own detention and torture under President ’s government. “History is repeating itself,” he told her, and together they vowed to file a court case against the military rulers, to claim “my rights,” as Ms. Ibrahim later recalled. That case has proved successful so far. For the first time last month, an administrative court challenged the authority of the military council and banned such “tests.”

Ms. But nearly a year after Mr. “Changing the patriarchal culture is not so easy,” said Mozn Hassan, 32, executive director of the seven-year-old group Nazra for Feminist Studies. Female demonstrators have suffered sexual assaults at the hands of Egyptian soldiers protected by military courts. Famous mainly as silent victims, women like the “blue bra girl” risk becoming mascots of the male-dominated uprising, said Ms. “That is the difference the Egyptian revolution has made,” Ms.