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ENGRANAJES. Giroscopios: el maravilloso mundo de unos artilugios increíbles. Ayer pasé unas cuantas horas realmente entretenidas viendo unos vídeos y leyendo y descubriendo cosas sobre los giroscopios. Fue una pequeña aventura de curiosos descubrimientos que me dejó totalmente maravillado e intrigado, de modo que la resumo aquí más o menos en el mismo orden en que fui siguiéndola.

Requiere cierto tiempo examinar todos estos enlaces, vídeos y textos, tal vez entre una y dos horas, dependiendo de la profundidad e interés que se ponga, y gran parte del material está en inglés (aunque los vídeos hablan por si mismos) pero doy mi palabra de microsiervo de que realmente merece la pena, incluyendo un particular enfrentamiento entre ingeniería, ciencia y pseudociencia.

Nota: Al parecer en castellano giroscopio y giróscopo tienen significados ligeramente distintos aunque suelen usarse de forma indistinta. Clase de giroscopios 101 Hasta aquí todo está dentro del terreno de la física divertida e incluso práctica. Un juguete de levitación De Laithwaite a la antigravedad. KMODDL - Kinematic Models for Design Digital Library. The 220 models in Cornell University’s Reuleaux Collection were built in the late 19th century to demonstrate the elements of machine motion, as theorized by the German engineer Franz Reuleaux. The University acquired the models in 1882 for use in teaching and research. <more about the Reuleaux Collection> The Reuleaux models are classified according to the alphanumeric schema employed in the catalog of the manufacturer, Gustav Voigt. The letter in a model's ID (e.g., B14 or S35) refers to a class of mechanism; the number is a specific instance of the class. This classification scheme is a simplified version of the taxonomy of machine elements elaborated in Reuleaux's work.

Click a class folder for a list of the models in the class and to browse thumbnail images. Brock Institute for Advanced Studies all rights reservedP. Brock Institute for Advanced Studies all rights reserved P. O. Box 302, Roxbury CT 06783 Home Page for Virtual Mechanisms Animated by Java Welcome to Brock Engineering's mechanism home page. Interesting Links: The Cabaret Mechanical Theatre, a (mechanical sculpture), , . Note: Roy Rice and Richard Egge host The Little Engine Pages, a site that documents their work in model Stirling Engines and other essential endeavors. Release Notes : Well, not really 'release notes' because there's no new release, but rather a note reporting the discovery that some of these applets malfunction in my Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 after it's been equipped with Sun's Java2 Plug-in JRE 1.3.0-C.

There was a lot of housekeeping to do before I moved the mechanism board to its new home. If the original page of mechanisms was a winter project, the first revision became a spring project. For a long time, I've wanted to see a proper animation of an involute gear set in the internet. Release Notes : 1. 2. 3. Animated Engines. RB. ENGRANAJES. The Automata / Automaton Blog. Mathematica Documentation: Mechanical Systems. Desert Star. Fine crafted wood art that is entertaining and beautiful. The motorized (automatic) versions will captivate you for hours.

While the manual versions give anyone some "interactive" fun. Our ball clocks are the most popular -- both fun and practical! :: Michael Lozano's Art Site :: Modern kinetic sculpture - rolling ball - Atelier Fascine - Didier Legros - Chdid. La joie, l'imaginaire et vous Actualités More Sharing ServicesPartager | Création de tableau et sculpture animée contemporaine | Galerie d'art moderne, beauté et fascination par le mouvement | Mentions légales | By Klorofile " L'Art résulte de la joie de l'accomplir " - Rolling Ball Sculpture - Art Cinétique - Sculpture Cinétique - Art Moderne - Kinetic sculpture - kinetic sculptor - modern art.

KMODDL - Kinematic Models for Design Digital Library.