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MedlinePlus - Información de Salud de la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina. Compartir <span class="js-disabled-message">Para usar las funciones de compartir de esta páginas, por favor, habilite JavaScript. </span> ¿Usa lentes de contacto? Encuentre sugerencias para prevenir lesiones e infecciones La psoriasis causa parches de piel gruesa y roja Encuentre información sobre tratamientos La leche materna entrega importantes nutrientes al bebé Entérese en nuestra página sobre lactancia. Visible Human Browser. Normal Anatomy Images. Radiographic Anatomy of the Skeleton: Table of Contents. Anatomia Collection - University of Toronto Libraries. This collection features approximately 4500 full page plates and other significant illustrations of human anatomy selected from the Jason A. Hannah and Academy of Medicine collections in the history of medicine at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto. Each illustration has been fully indexed using medical subject headings (MeSH), and techniques of illustration, artists, and engravers have been identified whenever possible.

There are ninety-five individual titles represented, ranging in date from 1522 to 1867. Search/Browse the plates View Highlights. Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body- Yahoo! Education. Dream Anatomy: Gallery.