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Top 10 Reputation Tracking Tools Worth Paying For. Dan Schawbel is the author of Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success, and owner of the award winning Personal Branding Blog. Reputation management is essential to both individuals and companies. The more popular your brand is, the more critical it will be to keep tabs on it and the more time it will consume out of your day. If you work at a startup and no one has heard of your brand, or if you're an individual who has just started blogging, these tools are still useful to you. If, on the other hand, you're brand new to social media and aren't known by many people, then these free tools might be a better place to start.

You should consider paid services if you are unable to manage and keep your pulse on your online reputation. How to Begin You need to decide if you want software for tracking conversations or if you want to pay a vendor for consulting and reporting. I recommend the top ten vendors listed below (in no specific order): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Home Page. Telephone Surveying Vs. Web Surveying. After you have determined your survey design (see related article) – including establishing informational goals of the survey, how you will use or apply the information to your organization, and defining the sample population – you need to choose your interviewing methodology.

Two of the most popular and effective survey interviewing methodologies are telephone surveying and web surveying. However, both types have distinct advantages and disadvantages, so you must carefully assess your specific needs before deciding which method you will implement. Telephone Surveys Surveying by telephone is recommended when your desired sample consists of the general population (i.e., not Internet users only). The scope of reach possible with telephone surveys is vast, with 96% of homes in the United States having a telephone. The Bottom Line Web Surveys Surveying via the Web is rapidly gaining popularity for data collection efforts focusing on segments of the Internet user population.

Reliability of Random Digit Dialing Calls to Enumerate an Adult. + Author Affiliations Received September 10, 2001. Accepted February 1, 2002. Abstract Challenges to random digit dialing have been documented, but the reliability of random digit dialing outcomes from telephone number calling, household identification, and enumeration has never been addressed, despite its potential to bias population representativeness by affecting completeness of coverage. The authors explored interobserver reliability of calls to numbers generated by random digit dialing for a 1990–1996 population-based case-control study in San Francisco, California, area women, using data from a quality control effort in which 122 of 4,890 random digit dialing numbers were assigned to a second interviewer for recontacting within 4 months.

Random digit dialing has been widely used in population-based health research, including cross-sectional surveys and case-control studies. Table 1. Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by grant NCI R29 CA50381. Footnotes.