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DOPE Magazine | Marijuana Lifestyle & Cannabis News | Defending Our Plant Everywhere. Introduction to the Endocannabinoid System - - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws. Dustin Sulak, DO As you read this review of the scientific literature regarding the therapeutic effects of cannabis and cannabinoids, one thing will become quickly evident: cannabis has a profound influence on the human body. This one herb and its variety of therapeutic compounds seem to affect every aspect of our bodies and minds. How is this possible? At our integrative medical clinics in Maine and Massachusetts, my colleagues and I treat over 18,000 patients with a huge diversity of diseases and symptoms. As a physician, I am naturally wary of any medicine that purports to cure-all.

At the time of updating (February 2015), a PubMed search for scientific journal articles published in the last 20 years containing the word "cannabis" revealed 8,637 results. How can one herb help so many different conditions? What Is The Endocannabinoid System? What Are Cannabinoid Receptors? Endocannabinoids are the substances our bodies naturally make to stimulate these receptors. High-tech marijuana: The science & profit of cannabis composition. How potent is pot? This seemingly basic question is a serious one for state marijuana industries and the agencies that regulate them. Last week, the Colorado Department of Revenue—the state's marijuana regulatory agency—released a report on equivalency, potency, and dosing that offered important answers to that question.

In the process, the study also engaged another critical aspect of marijuana products: equivalency in composition. That is, how much marijuana does it take to produce the items demanded at market: flower, edibles, concentrates, tinctures, etc. The report was funded by the Colorado Department of Revenue (via a legislative mandate: Colorado HB 14-1361) and penned by the University of Colorado, the Marijuana Policy Group, and a Denver-based consulting firm. Marijuana potency versus equivalency It is important to start with some technical terminology to understand what the report offers. Now for some lingo from the report. Equivalency is different. Handbook of Cannabis. How academics can engage with policy: 10 tips for a better conversation | Higher Education Network.

'How to' guides for academics are often statements of the obvious and abstract to the point of being meaningless. The default position: as soon as academics leave the office, they find themselves lost in Narnia, where they know nothing much about anything beyond their research. But there are useful and practical exceptions, such as Phil Cowley's recent posts on why and how academics should engage with the media. Another area of growing importance is policy engagement. Having just finished a six-month ESRC knowledge exchange secondment with a government department, I wanted to share some observations about how we academics might better engage with policy: 1) Only do it if you believe it is important Seriously.

Only engage with policymakers if you believe it is a valuable exercise in its own right. 2) Engage in genuine knowledge exchange Academics are often tokenistic when it comes to knowledge exchange. 3) Prepare for a different type of conversation 4) Drop the jargon (well, most of it) CSP - 'The Long Trip: The Prehistory of Psychedelia' by Paul Devereux. Religion and Psychoactive Sacraments: An Entheogen Chrestomathy Thomas B. Roberts, Ph.D. and Paula Jo Hruby, Ed.D. Author Index | Title Index The Long Trip: The Prehistory of Psychedelia Devereux, Paul. (1997) New York: Penguin. Description: Paperback, xx + 298 pages. Contents: Preface, acknowledgments, glossary, introduction, 5 chapters, epilogue, reference notes, bibliography, index. Excerpt(s): One aim of this book is to demonstrate (rather than to merely state) that our modern culture stands out in the long record of human history because of its difficulty in accepting in an orderly and integrated way the role natural substances, primarily from the plant kingdom, have played in aiding mind expansion.

As soon as I got home, I poured a tall glass of water in which I dissolved both sugar cubes. It was The Silence that gave sound the space to be. I felt that if I washed away, I would dissolve into such an infinity that I could never return. ... Compilation copyright © 1995 – 2001 CSP. Tuning In - Open Discussion. Il giornalismo "divertente" È uscito il libro di Luca Sofri, peraltro direttore del Post, dedicato alle storie e ai meccanismi con cui le testate giornalistiche pubblicano notizie false, inventate, non verificate, e che raccontano una specie di realtà parallela fatta di allarmi incoscienti e pericolosi – come le “morti sospette per i vaccini” -, bizzarrie ridicole come “la donna con tre seni” o false notizie rituali, come la morte di Fidel Castro. Il libro si chiama Notizie che non lo erano e sarà presentato venerdì 15 maggio al Salone del Libro di Torino da Gianluigi Ricuperati e Concita De Gregorio, e dal peraltro.

Questa è l’introduzione del libro. Uno degli ultimi giorni del 2014 mi telefonò uno dei responsabili del sito di un grande quotidiano. Voleva dirmi che mi vedeva spesso arrabbiato con le cose che pubblicavano e chiedermi come mai ce l’avessi con loro. «Eccome» risposi, trattenendo quanto potevo un tono irritante, «ma cerco di stare attento.» The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business Audiobook | Charles Duhigg | A young woman walks into a laboratory. Over the past two years, she has transformed almost every aspect of her life. She has quit smoking, run a marathon, and been promoted at work.

The patterns inside her brain, neurologists discover, have fundamentally changed. Marketers at Procter & Gamble study videos of people making their beds. They are desperately trying to figure out how to sell a new product called Febreze, on track to be one of the biggest flops in company history. Suddenly, one of them detects a nearly imperceptible pattern - and with a slight shift in advertising, Febreze goes on to earn a billion dollars a year. An untested CEO takes over one of the largest companies in America. What do all these people have in common? In The Power of Habit, award-winning New York Times business reporter Charles Duhigg takes us to the thrilling edge of scientific discoveries that explain why habits exist and how they can be changed. Habits aren’t destiny. Share Book Recommendations With Your Friends, Join Book Clubs, Answer Trivia.

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