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Did_method_efarm_egxeiridio_ekpaideftikou_teliko. 파일:Mongol Empire map.gif - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전. 브리태니커 온라인 서비스 :: 검색. 근대디자인사. 한국건축사 강의 / 한대 건축과 한동수 교수. How Greek Science Passed to the Arabs. How Greek Science Passed to the Arabs By De Lacy O'Leary First published in Great Britain in 1949 by Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. Reprinted three times. Assyrian International News Agency Books Online Contents THERE is a certain analogy between civilization and an infectious disease.

In reading the autobiography of that distinguished Orientalist Sir Denison Ross, there is a letter received from some inquirer which contains the sentence remarking what a good thing it would be if we could find out "how, and in what form, the Greek and Latin writers found their way to the ken of the Arab or Persian or Turkish student" (Sir Denison Ross, Both Ends of the Candle, n.d., p. 286). In entering upon this inquiry it may be premised that there are at least three threads very closely interwoven.

Greek scientific thought had been in the world for a long time before it reached the Arabs, and during that period it had already spread abroad in various directions. Η ναοδομια. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Psifiothiki: Record#127260: Η Ναοδομία στην εποχή του Ιουστινιανού. Τυπολογική και Ιδεολογική Θεώρηση.