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Cleveland fallet

Facebook Twitter The Cleveland child sexual abuse scandal, by Brian Deer. LOOK SPECIAL: THE CLEVELAND INQUIRY ON September 17 last year, it was the turn of two of the Cleveland children to peer nervously round the great wooden doors of the Middlesbrough town hall council chamber and then proceed with small, cautious paces out across the floor.

The Cleveland child sexual abuse scandal, by Brian Deer

Here at last they were at the centre of the greatest assembly of civil power apart from parliament itself. But at the time of their appearance, the public inquiry into child abuse had broken up for lunch. Acting with the full judicial authority of a High Court, Lord Justice Butler-Sloss, the assessors who sat beside her, the 11 teams of barristers and solicitors, the witnesses, the press, the parents and the nosy onlookers, had vacated their seats for 90 minutes, and now the ornate Victorian debating room was merely an empty shell. As the children - two boys aged 11 and 12 - picked their way among the lawyers' benches and the hundredweights of paper, however, both of them suddenly laughed. Abuse scandal's shameful legacy - Sunday Sun. Darren was appointed editor of the Chronicle in September 2011, following a six-year spell as editor of the Evening Gazette in Teesside.

Abuse scandal's shameful legacy - Sunday Sun

He has held a number of senior roles on regional newspapers across England, Scotland and Wales over the last 15 years and is now editor-in-chief of Trinity Mirror North East. Tees - We Are Teesside - Kerry's story. Children Webmag - Cleveland Child Sexual Abuse Scandal - Charles Pragnell. Cleveland child abuse scandal. The Cleveland child abuse scandal occurred in Cleveland, England in 1987, where 121 cases of suspected child sexual abuse were diagnosed by Dr Marietta Higgs and Dr Geoffrey Wyatt, paediatricians at a Middlesbrough hospital (in the now abolished county of Cleveland).

Cleveland child abuse scandal

The children were subject to place of safety orders, and some were removed from their parents' care permanently. While in foster care, the children continued to be regularly examined by Dr. Higgs who subsequently accused foster parents of further abuse leading to them too being arrested. After a number of court trials, cases involving 96 of the 121 children alleged to be victims of sexual abuse were dismissed by the courts, and 26 cases, involving children from twelve families, were found by judges to have been incorrectly diagnosed.

Cleveland Social Services[edit] "We probably manage about ten per cent of people who might be dangerous to children. Media investigation[edit] Public Inquiry[edit] Legacy issues[edit] See also[edit] Jane Wynne. The paediatrician Jane Wynne, who has died suddenly aged 64, was an internationally recognised authority on child abuse.

Jane Wynne

She and her colleague Christopher Hobbs represented the second wave of paediatricians to become immersed in the field of child abuse following the lead provided by Henry Kempe in Denver, whose paper on battered child syndrome in 1962 brought the maltreatment of children to the fore. In 1986 and 1987, Jane and Chris published two key papers in the Lancet that described the physical effects of sexual abuse on children, based on their pioneering work in Leeds recognising child sexual abuse as a widespread and unrecognised form of mistreatment.

The women who went through an ordeal beyond belief. Last updated at 10:16 24 February 2007 Pretty and fashionably dressed, the two young sisters look the very embodiment of confident modern womanhood.

The women who went through an ordeal beyond belief

In fact, Lindsey and Paula's lives have been almost too shocking to comprehend. For these are the two girls who were at the centre of the Cleveland child abuse controversy that rocked Britain exactly 20 years ago. Raised by a loving family, they were the first victims of the 1987 scandal when hundreds of parents in the North-East of England were wrongly accused of the worst crime imaginable: molesting their own children Lindsey and Paula Wise are speaking out today for the first time. They want the world to know exactly what happened to them on the say-so of a maverick paediatrician called Marietta Higgs and other child doctors in the hope that their story will stop such a travesty ever being repeated.

Opinionsbildning. Ur Kvinnotryck nr 2, 1998 Fadersrätt & mansmedia av Gerda Christenson Gång på gång ser vi det, att män näst intill oemotsagda i media får påstå att kvinnor och barn ljuger om sexuella övergrepp.


I massmedia i Sverige är yttrandefrihetens namn manligt. Varje gång det under det senaste året avslöjats att en man begått sexuella övergrepp mot barn på dagis har media reagerat likadant. Vi har kunnat läsa om hur ledsna männen som jobbar på dagis och fritids känner sig för att de ifrågasätts, att grupper för att stärka männen bildats på många orter och både på ledarplats och i artiklar har det påpekats hur viktigt det är att få in fler män i barnomsorgen. Hur man ska kunna skydda barn från framtida övergrepp på dagis och fritids har mediadiskussionen äremot inte alls handlat om. FÖRRÄDISKA FORMULERINGAR Liksom många liknande artiklar, var Elmérs långa debattinlägg mycket försåtligt skrivet. 'I NORMALFALLET' ? CLEVELANDFALLEN Att en sådan oro är befogad finns flera exempel på.