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Elegance Mobile Joomla! Template. Color Schemes Choose from 6 predefined gorgeous color schemes or design your own using JQuery ThemeRoller. Page Transitions 9 different animations for site navigation: Slide, Slide up/down, Pop, Fade, Flip, Turn, Flow, Slide Fade. Custom Logo You can display your custom logo, title or both of them on your mobile site. App mode Your site like an app!

Multi device Server-side optimized for iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry + more Amazing support Full documentation, premium forums, continuous improvements & updates. "Elegance template has definitely been worth the investment, it has saved me a lot of time, maybe a couple of months and several thousands euros.

" - Lorenzo De Stefano, CEO, Live and Shop, Monaco. "Elegance template has been well worth the investment. "Testing the Elegance Mobile Joomla! Mobile. Mobile Joomla is a really great plug in. At first I was considering to use responsive instead, which is a part of my templates. But after some research, I found that switching to a full mobile design was best. Because this way I am able to ensure that my many sites are truly optimized for mobile devices. I am able to excluding certain module and plugings, or design other modules differently; I am able to make unique articles for the same menu item.

This is perfect for me. That being said … Mobile Joomla simply turns your site into mobile website right out of the box with only a few minutes of install and setup. I cannot recommend Mobile Joomla enough, and of course I suggest it above responsive design strategies. Mobile Joomla is free for most of the features. Another thing that is important is to pay close attention to Google analytics to ensure that your pages are being indexed correctly. HikaShop. [Joomla! 1.5] HikaShop - E-commerce pour Joomla 1.5. Joomla. [Joomla! 1.5] HikaShop - E-commerce pour Joomla 1.5. Mobile Joomla! for iPhone, Android, Nokia, Blackberry and WAP phones.