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57° Salon de Montrouge.

Ivan Maximov

Anne Colomes - Plasticienne. Texte de présentation affiche des liens invisibles cascade Damien Airault, Pétunia. Breidt eyed. I’ve got a story that I’m sticking to You’ve got a story too singe your fingers in the fun fuggedabowdit more to reality than meets the eye more vitality to feel for one life I feel an eternity with you M8! I just had an awesome dream about you B! You developed an in-ear music player just like a tiny music box that you turn a small crank (sticking out of the ear) and it plays a little song in your head! I know that’s really random and bizarre but you were administering it like a physical therapist or something - we were laying down on my couch and you were letting me decide what songs i wanted it to play for me :) pretty freakin cool!

Miss you mucho! This heina @hstouffer and I will be painting at Agenda all damn day, come say hey! MARC BAUER - Drawing. Mireille Blanc / Accueil. Colin Cook @ aeroplastics. Bildmekanik. Foire Internationale du Dessin | Drawings for the future !