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Who Buys All Those Google Ads? An Infographic Breakdown | Epicenter. Google cleared $37.9 billion in 2011 revenue, which equates to more than $3 billion a month, mostly from those little text ads next to your search results that neither you or anybody you know will admit to ever clicking on. Insurance and finance buys for Google Adsense words accounted for $4.2 billion of that total — more than 10 percent — according to Larry Kim, the founder of Wordstream, a company that sells software to analyze text ad campaigns and commissioned the infographic above.

The most expensive search term in that niche was “Self employed health insurance” — not surprising in the aftermath of the recession and the Affordable Care Act, which will eventually require nearly everyone to have health care insurance (unless the Supreme Court nullifies the law later this year). That phrase cost $43.39 per click, nearly $10 more than the next most expensive term, “cheap car insurance”. Since the devil is in the details, how does Wordstream do it? Sound a little complicated? 10 Creative Ways to Use QR Codes for Marketing. Ekaterina Walter is a social media strategist at Intel. She is a part of Intel’s Social Media Center of Excellence and is responsible for company-wide social media enablement and corporate social networking strategy. She was recently elected to serve on the board of directors of WOMMA.

QR codes have been around since the early '90s, but only with the widespread adoption of smartphones and barcode-scanning apps have customers been able to easily access QR codes in significant numbers. According to comScore, 20.1 million mobile phone owners in the U.S. used their devices to scan a QR code in the three-month average period ending October 2011. In the big scheme of things, this isn’t a large number.

However, the number of people using QR codes is expected to grow. Will QR codes reach widespread public consciousness, or are they destined to be a quirky aside for mainstream promotional campaigns? So, what can marketers do to take customers out of their comfort zones and try something new?

Intention d'achat

Relation client. Startups, le marketing est dans le code ! Le temps est révolu, celui d’avant l’éclatement de la bulle Internet, où il n’y avait pas d’autres moyens pour les startups de se faire connaître que de dépenser des fortunes en publicité. Aujourd’hui, grâce à des avancées majeures telles que la banalisation d’Internet, l’adoption croissante des smartphones, l’usage établi des moteurs de recherche, l’avènement des réseaux sociaux, les progrès des standards du Web, etc. il est possible d’atteindre le même but sans bourse délier. Embed with Google C’est bien connu mais il ne nuit pas de le rappeler : une partie des facteurs favorisant le référencement de son site est liée à la façon dont il est programmé. Sont à soigner particulièrement : organisation des pages dans l’arborescence, nommage des fichiers, structuration (balises Hn…) et mise en relief (balise STRONG, etc.) des contenus, nomenclature des URLS, poids des pages, etc.

API c’est tout ! Le graphe, Gaston ! Le plus puissant et le plus connu est celui de Facebook : le Social graph.


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