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Long hair. Hair Styles / Cute Ponytail. DownStyles. Hair. Photo: angela+ithyle/ post designed by kristin ess Some days you just don’t wanna.


For those days, we made you this! Seems like we’ve been seeing pictures of this lovely look everywhere. Styling / Hair and Makeup Tips & Tricks. DIY Sock Bun. Sock buns are my new obsession!

DIY Sock Bun

Ever wonder how people get those meaty, chubby buns (in their hair, people!)? I suspect they put a sock in it! I am fully aware that I did not invent this age-old trick to give yourself an easy and fatty bun, but I decided to do a DIY video for one anyways because I think it’s such a fun trick! It also gives you amazing waves in your hair if you put a sock in it while damp and go to sleep.

You will awake to rolling waves…in your hair.