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In the Light of Evolution: Volume X: Comparative Phylogeography. The Science of Science Communication II: Summary of a Colloquium. Successful scientists must be effective communicators within their professions.

The Science of Science Communication II: Summary of a Colloquium

Without those skills, they could not write papers and funding proposals, give talks and field questions, or teach classes and mentor students. DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books. Purpose of DOAB The primary aim of DOAB is to increase discoverability of Open Access books.

DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books

Academic publishers are invited to provide metadata of their Open Access books to DOAB. Metadata will be harvestable in order to maximize dissemination, visibility and impact. Aggregators can integrate the records in their commercial services and libraries can integrate the directory into their online catalogues, helping scholars and students to discover the books.

Free Online Textbooks, FlashCards, Exercises, RWA's, Simulations. World Archaeology at the Pitt Rivers Museum: a characterization. Between 2009 and 2012, Dr Dan Hicks (Curator of Archaeology and University Lecturer) led a collections-based project that developed the first overview of the range and research potential of the Museum's world archaeology collections.

World Archaeology at the Pitt Rivers Museum: a characterization

The project - Characterizing the World Archaeology Collections of the Pitt Rivers Museum - was funded by a grant of £116,325 from the John Fell OUP Research Fund and with additional support from the Heritage Lottery Fund (IfA Workplace Bursaries scheme) and the Boise Fund. The project resulted in a book, published in March 2013 as both hard copy and in open access form. This volume - World Archaeology at the Pitt Rivers Museum: a characterization - introduces the range, history and significance of the archaeological collections of the Pitt Rivers Museum, and sets out priorities for future research into the collection. Ubiquity Press ]u[ Ubiquity Press books are fully open access, because we believe that monograph authors should also receive the maximum dissemination of their work.

Ubiquity Press ]u[

This is especially important for increasing the impact of research in disciplines such as the humanities, where a high proportion of work is distributed in book form. We publish both individual and series books, all fully peer reviewed, and also support other university presses with the transition to e-publishing. Accessing published eBooks Our eBooks platform is under development, so in the meantime content will be shared via the Directory of Open Access Books. Fully open access (text and data) All of our titles are freely available online without restriction, widely indexed and fully accessible to a global audience. Multiple formats and devices Ubiquity Press ebook content will be available in all major formats including epub, PDF, HTML and Kindle. The Public Value of the Humanities. Open Content.

Les Classiques des sciences sociales. Présentation La bibliothèque numérique francophone Les Classiques des sciences sociales a fêté ses vingt ans en 2013.

Les Classiques des sciences sociales

Ce projet de bibliothèque a pris forme en 1993 en Intranet au Cégep de Chicoutimi. Depuis 2000, la bibliothèque est accessible sur Internet grâce à la coopération avec l’Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC). En 2006, la bibliothèque a été incorporée en organisme à but non lucratif. Les Classiques des sciences sociales sont une corporation légalement constituée en vertu de la Loi sur les compagnies, Partie III (L.R.Q., chap. La bibliothèque Les Classiques des sciences sociales est le fruit d’un immense travail réalisé grâce à plus de 400 000 heures de bénévolat.…pdf (8,63 MB) - The Importance of Common Metrics for Advancing Social Science Theory and Research: A Workshop Summary. ITINERA - Ebooks. Monitoring Climatic Change With Dragonflies. Climatic Risk Atlas of European Butterflies. There has been increasing recognition over the past decade that climate change represents a real threat to biodiversity.

Climatic Risk Atlas of European Butterflies

Butterflies are the insect group with the best historical information on distributions, and have already shown clear evidence of range shifts consistent with the effects of climate warming. Introduction to Sociology - OpenStax College. Debates in the Digital Humanities. L'évolution du vivant expliquée à ma boulangère - Virginie Népoux - Livre et Ebook gratuit. 2009.

L'évolution du vivant expliquée à ma boulangère - Virginie Népoux - Livre et Ebook gratuit

Année du bicentenaire de la naissance de Darwin, et 150ème anniversaire de la publication de "De l'origine des espèces".Pourtant combien de personnes affirment "Je ne crois pas en l'évolution" ? Combien se la représente encore comme une "marche du progrès", du singe à l'homme qui se redresse progressivement . si vous faites partie d'une de ces deux catégories, levez la main... Vous avez une main en l'air en lisant ces lignes ? Alors cet ouvrage est fait pour vous. Entre les ouvrages pour spécialistes, ou personnes ayant déjà de bonnes connaissances de biologie, et les textes trop simples, qui ne rendent pas compte de l'ensemble de la théorie, voire poussent la simplification jusqu'à l'erreur, il n'est pas toujours facile de trouver des explications complètes mais simples.

Sexual Dimorphism. Edited by Hiroshi Moriyama, ISBN 978-953-51-1075-0, 140 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published March 27, 2013 under CC BY 3.0 licenseDOI: 10.5772/2960 Sexual Dimorphism- Various biological studies on the subject of sex differences have been published.

Sexual Dimorphism

The subjects of these studies are not only humans, but also other mammals, birds, amphibians, insects, extending to ostracoda in the Paleozoic era. Moreover, original methods in individual studies have been used. This book provides convincing reasons which explain sex differences. Biology - OpenStax College. Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling.

Learning to program in a NetLogo package is mainly a process by learning-by-doing.

Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling

By working through tutorials and example models, you will become familiar with the basics of the language and where you have to look for solutions to the problems you encounter. A few basic elements of the NetLogo language are discussed in the following paragraphs. Forward 50 Right 90 Forward 50 Right 90 Forward 50 Right 90 Forward 50 Right 90 Where Right 90 means that the turtle will turn right 90 degrees.