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How to Make Perfect Sushi Rice - Mahalo. Preparing the Vinegar Mix: Heat the vinegar, sugar and salt in a sauce pan on the stove over medium heat until the sugar and salt are dissolved into the vinegar.8 Do not boil the mixture. Leave sitting off heat until needed. You can make this portion before or while the rice is cooking. Preparing the Rice: Rinse the rice in cold water.9 This will take several minutes and several changes of water. Rinse the rice until the final change of water runs almost clear and there is no debris present. Cooking the Sushi Rice: Steam the rinsed rice in an equal amount of water (i.e.: 2 cups of rice and 2 cups of water) in the 2-quart pot on the stove top following the package's directions or by bringing to a boil, then cooking over very low heat until the water is evaporated and you are left with lovely sticky rice.

As always when cooking rice on the stovetop, use very low heat after the initial boil and keep the lid on at all times. Sushi Etiquette : clusterflock. Rollin', Rollin', Rollin' Down the River. After reading Pioneer Woman's three-part series on sushi, my husband and I were inspired to make some homemade rolls ourselves. That, and we also had a huge produce bag of avocados leftover from the Super Bowl, which were perfect for some California roll lovin'.

I freely admit that I don't know jack-diddly or bo-diddly about how to roll sushi well or even elegantly, for that matter. Furthermore, I didn't fully comprehend the extent of my "sushi ignorance" until I married my beau, who was raised on weekly trips to sushi restaurants. I, myself, was raised on homemade sushi made from canned ingredients and scrambled eggs. But, I have learned a few lessons as a sushi rolling novice, the hard way, that I think would be prudent to share openly. #1.

. #2. . #3. . #4. Even though the ethereal and delicate taste of supple and tender sashimi (raw fish) is unrivaled, if you too scared to try it, that's okay. . #5. . #6. . #7. . #8. . #9. . #10. I hope you put these sushi making tips to good use. Yuzushu: Japanese Citrus Yuzu Liqueur | Kyoto Foodie: Where and what to eat in Kyoto. How to Make Yuzushu (Japanese Citrus Yuzu Liqueur) ゆず酒 Yuzu is one of Japan’s great tastes. Yuzu is lemony but more delicate and mild, even the peel can be eaten! Try that with a lemon. Yuzu is used to flavor many things from sashimi and grilled fish to mochi and wagashi.

Yuzushu, yuzu liqueur is fairly uncommon in Japan so we tried making our own at home this year. We continue with our winter season Japanese fruit liqueur series and tell you about making yuzushu, or yuzu liqueur. Yuzushu is very easy to make and preparation just takes 30 minutes or so. Yuzu Yuzu Detail Yuzu is in season throughout the winter in Japan, but traditionally it would be harvested at the beginning of winter, in late November and December. While yuzushu can be found in liquor stores and on restaurant menus, I have only had yuzushu that I liked a few times. Properly, Japanese fruit liqueur is made by steeping fresh fruit in 35% alcohol and usually plenty of sugar. Yuzu Peeled Yuzu Flesh and Peel – detail Ingredients. Mount Fuji. Make Sushi Video. Japanese Kitchen UK: Japanese Food Shop, Japanese Supermarket, Japanese Ingredients.