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B&cherkubus - Bild von Edgar2 aus Architektur - Fotografie (18872702) Symmetrie war noch nie ein Indiz für ein gelungenes Bild. Symmetrie bedeutet Redundanz und Redundanz erzeugt Langeweile. Geringe Detailtiefe kann man nicht durch Schärfen ausgleichen, sondern, in der Digitalfotografie durch größere Sensoren, in der Analogfotografie durch eine größere Filmfläche und natürlich durch bessere Objektive. Hätte man mehr draus machen können! Gruß Michael Charly Charné, 16.10.2009 um 12:37 Uhr Symmetrie bedeutet Redundanz ? Darüber sollten wir nachdenken :-) Wenn wir schon in Metaphern sprechen wäre Redundanz wohl eher Sicherheit als Langeweile.

Vielleicht versteh ichs aber auch nicht :-) Ruth P, 16.10.2009 um 12:47 Uhr Endlich mal wieder ein aussergewöhnlich gutes Bild in dieser Galerie! Matthias von Schramm, 16.10.2009 um 13:09 Uhr Im Sinne von technischer zur Sicherheit dienender Redundanz muss man aber doch Michael Guntenhöfer recht geben. Corinna Leonbacher, 16.10.2009 um 15:56 Uhr Wow, tolles Bild! Max H., 16.10.2009 um 16:25 Uhr Detomaso, 16.10.2009 um 16:34 Uhr L.

Kitchens And Appliances Of The Future - Announcing The Top 25 Entries of Electrolux Design Lab 2010 & Yanko Design. The Top 25 Entries of Electrolux Design Lab 2010 It’s not always easy to predict the future. For its 2010 competition, Electrolux Design Lab went with the theme: The 2nd Space Age; this essentially translating to designing a home environment for the year 2050, when 74% of the global population are predicted to live in urban areas. Student designers had to predict how people will prepare and store food, wash clothes, and do dishes. Quite a task but plenty of surprises from across the globe! Here are the Finalist 25, the countdown has begun!

Before I give you the randomly listed 25 designs, here’s a bit of background on the theme: The idea is to design an appliance or a suite of appliances that will help combat the space crunch, limited resources plus advocate energy savings at the same time. 25) A- Laundry: Community Laundry Concept by Kai Wai Lee A communal laundry for the entire apartment block! 24) Bio Robot Refrigerator by Yuriy Dmitriev 22) Bx7 Preparation Unit by Losif Mihailo. Pouring Light Lamp by Yeongwoo Kim. Pour Me Some Light Human actions play such a significant role in design; it’s either evident in the form or in the function. In the Pouring Light, the action is evident in the form and is delightfully executed as well! With the motive of giving off “an emotional flow of light”, the lights linger on with a mesmerizing effect thanks to the use of phosphorescence in the “water” part.

Yeongwoo suggests the use of LED lights to conserve energy, and my suggestion to him: get this in the market ASAP! Designer: Yeongwoo Kim. A Table That Turns Your Kitchen Into Mini Ecosystem [UPDATED] | Fast Company - StumbleUpon. Convenience and efficiency are king when it comes to product design. What could be more efficient than a natural ecosystem? That's the insight behind a "living kitchen" designed by the brilliant young design studio Studio Gorm.

They looked at what we have in our kitchens--fruits, vegetables, organic waste--and figured: That's actually enough to create a miniature system for watering fresh herbs, composting the waste, and generating new soil. None of the elements is brand new to this product, but their integration wins points for ergonomics and ease. Maybe what's most surprising is that Studio Gorm isn't based in the Netherlands or Scandinavia--but rather in Eugene, Oregon. Check out some of Studio Gorm's other designs, including a modular furniture system of pegs and boards; an elegant Egyptian-inspired chair; a handsome adjustable lamp; and an overhead light inspired by--of all things--a falafel container. Mental_floss Blog & Lamps with Personality. We all need light in the darkness, but the variety of lamps available can boggle the mind. Anything can be made into a lamp, if you can attach a battery or run an electrical cord through it. The lamps you display in your home say something about your personality, so choose carefully.

Here are some I've taken a shine to. The Abduction Lamp was designed by Lasse Klein and is not yet available for sale. Otherwise, I'd have one ordered already! Kelly Butler at Tramp Lamps (a "dangling bordello of unmentionables") makes lighting out of vintage lingerie and corsets. More illumination, after the jump. Gooseneck lamps can be made to resembled anything flexible or somewhat curved. I bought this Robot Desk Lamp by Holmes for my brother for Christmas. The Wet Lamp has a light bulb submerged in water! A lightbulb doesn't have to have a shade when it's this clever. Sleekness and usability come together in the Mini-Z LED Desk Lamp.

Instructables will show you how to make this lampshade out of trash. Cradle Seat by Richard Clarkson, Grace Emmanual, Kalivia Russel, Eamon... Cradle for Adults Why should babies have all the fun? We all like to feel comfortable and secure. The Cradle came out of research regarding children with RMD or rhythmic movement disorder. The chair provides a safe, relaxing environment for them to calm their senses but the solution seemed applicable to anyone looking to escape the rigors of a 9-5 life. Designers: Richard Clarkson, Grace Emmanual, Kalivia Russel, Eamon Moore, Brodie Cambell, Jeremy Brooker and Joya Boerrigter.