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La Petite Mélancolie | « La mélancolie est le plus légitime de tous les tons poétiques. » Edgar Allan Poe. The Red List. Home | ruiz + company. Patent Pending Blog - Patents and the History of Technology. I've been experimenting with a lighting setup that is as bright as a Dinotte, but way cheaper. It is based on a replacement LED bulb that an inventor I work with has just come out with. With this insert, a 60 lumen Surefire flashlight becomes a 240 lumen monster. The batteries also last longer, due to a heat sink that improves efficiency. This light is brighter than a car light, because I've driven at night in a car, shined the flashlight ahead onto the road, and you can see the spot in the pavement illuminated by the car headlights. It is unbelievably bright. I was camping next to a huge rock outcropping and I lit up the whole rock with this little tiny flashlight.

When I drive down the street on my bike in the morning, all the reflective signs bounce light back at me. Here is the setup on my bike, the Catrike recumbent shown in posts below: The parts are shown in the picture below, with where to get them listed below the picture. The parts of this system are as follows: 40 Days of Dating. Prospect Magazine - Prospect Magazine.