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DuckDuckGo. Open directory zoeker. Search Engines. The Search Engine Industry Search engines come and search engines go; some become extremely popular and others never do. Today there are really one two globally popular search engines, Google, and Bing, which is built by Microsoft. The most recent noteworthy change in this landscape is Yahoo! Which formerly used their own technology but is now based on Bing. Yahoo is still included here as it provides somewhat different features compared to Bing itself. Blekko is the newest major search engine, which uses slashtags as their gimmick, slashtags being handy shortcuts for making more sophisticated searches. Hybrids and More Traditionally a web search engine crawls the web to find web pages, indexes them by keyword, and presents a list of the best pages for your search query (a more detailed description can be found in the Wikipedia article linked to below).

Wolfram|Alpha doesn’t include an index of web pages or use results from another search engine. Search DuckDuckGo. Web Recherche. - a clever bot - speak to an AI with some Actual Intelligence? DataArt - Visualisations. A visual exploration on mapping complex networks. Browsing visualizations. Biosphoto nature environment garden. Data Publica | OpenData, Bigdata & Dataviz : Les données pour votre business.