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Upside-Down-Ternet. My neighbours are stealing my wireless internet access. I could encrypt it or alternately I could have fun. I'm starting here by splitting the network into two parts, the trusted half and the untrusted half. The trusted half has one netblock, the untrusted a different netblock. We use the DHCP server to identify mac addresses to give out the relevant addresses. /etc/dhcpd.conf IPtables is Fun! Suddenly everything is kittens! /sbin/iptables -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp -j DNAT --to-destination For the uninitiated, this redirects all traffic to kittenwar. For more fun, we set iptables to forward everything to a transparent squid proxy running on port 80 on the machine. /sbin/iptables -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination That machine runs squid with a trivial redirector that downloads images, uses mogrify to turn them upside down and serves them out of its local webserver.

The redirection script. Missile Site Coordinates. This list was originally based in part on information from Siloman's list His site,, has lots of good information and stories about missile sites In particular, a nice photo layout of the various US ICBMs is at Another interesting web site is which is best described as a real estate service for old missile sites. This is owned/run by Edward Peden who owns an Atlas E site (#6) near Dover, Kansas, where he lives (and formerly manufactured ultralight aircraft). There have been many articles written about Ed and his home. Some include: katurner "Home Improvement for Missile Bases" by Ken Turner, who lives in a Nike missile site.

This link is broken but is on at . Another real estate site is which seems to be dedicated to selling Plattsburgh site 8 by any means possible. Another good site is Scott D. Atlas F Documents. Atlas Missile Silo This page is where documents pertaining to the Atlas F missile system are located. It is possible that some items may be listed in more than one location because the item covers more than one missile type. Click on a thumbnail or PDF link below to view that item. The PDF files can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader and you can download your free copy of Acrobat Reader here . Many of the items on these pages are available for download to your system. To save a file to your local computer, right click the PDF file name and choose the "Save Target As" option. The documents in the section below contain general information about the Atlas F silo type missile system. Nuclear Missile Silos 1980-2010 Eyeball. 15 May 2010 Related: Eyeballing ICBM Launch Control Facility November-1: May 13, 2010 President Obama promised Thursday to spend $80 billion over 10 years to maintain and modernize the nation’s nuclear arsenal, a commitment that could help win Republican support for his new arms control treaty with Russia.

The treaty requires each side to deploy no more than 1,550 strategic warheads and 700 bombers, missiles and submarine launchers, and it establishes a new verification system to replace the one that expired along with the original Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty in December. Documents sent to the Senate detailed how the cuts would be made. Third-World Wind Power: First Look. Trap animals for survival. To trap animals, or trapping, is a skill that takes practice, like any other survival skill. If you are a beginner to trapping, use the information here as a starter. * The primitive trapping techniques described here are only for wilderness survival situations. Obey the rules and trapping regulations of the area you are visiting. * 24 h As a trapper, you can set many traps and snares, all working for you simultaneously and for 24 h every day. Trails The presence of wild animals can often be determined by their tracks in the snow, sand or soft mud.

Prey You must determine what you are trying to catch and set your traps, specifically with those animals in mind. Avoid disturbing thearea as much as possible. Deadfall trap A simple and effective way to trap animals is to use the deadfall trap. Snare trap Using snares to trap small animals is a simple method. Make sure the noose is large enough to pass freely over the animal's head. Don't forget! Back to: Wilderness survival skills homepage. KanHeetMain. How to find water in the wild. Knowing how to find water in the wild is important. Actually, there are many ways you can find water, whether you are in a desert or forest. First, look for surface water, such as streams, rivers and lakes.

Running water such as springs or streams in isolated areas at high altitudes is probably safe for consumption. Be aware that, for instance, melted water from ice and glaciers contains bacteria in abundance. If you are not familiar with the area, and are unsure about the water quality, purify the water. Take no risk. In areas where no surface water is available, dig into damp soil and allow this muddy water to settle and become clear or learn how to make a water filter. To increase your chances of finding water, look for the following: · Valleys and low areas are places where water naturally drains. · Rock crevices. . · Muddy or damp ground. · Patches of green vegetation indicate water of some sort. · Places where animal tracks converge, maybe a water source nearby? More about water.