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Beware Fake Scientific Journals and Conferences. By Sheldon Greaves I want to thank Michelle Way for directing my attention to this item that appeared in the New York Times (“Scientific Articles Accepted (Personal Checks, Too.)“).

Beware Fake Scientific Journals and Conferences

It concerns an exploding trend in “science publishing” by journals or conferences that purport to be serious players in the scientific community, but who are in fact fraudsters who are out for a quick buck. Likewise, less-than-forthright clients of these organizations might use them to pad their resumes with the appearance of a solid publishing record. The article opens with the following example: Science reporter spoofs hundreds of open access journals with fake papers. The Domestic Surveillance Directorate. Welcome to the National Security Agency - NSA/CSS. POP! The First Human Male Pregnancy - Mr. Lee Mingwei. Fake websites.