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Facebook Twitter Omnikey Cardman 5321 + Intrepid + rfidiot. Passive RFID Project - OpenPCD. From OpenPCD Bootable RFID & NFC Live Hacking system with libnfc and OpenPCD 2 RFID Reader/Writer/Emulator support New OpenPCD 2 design - a 13.56MHz RFID Reader & Writer with NFC protocol and Tag Emulation support Sniffing ISO15693 RFID iCLASS SE transactions on a 13.56MHz carrier using a PicoScope 3204A and an OpenPICC SnifferOnly frontend.

Passive RFID Project - OpenPCD

Introduction. Getting started - OpenPCD. From OpenPCD Getting Started You've just bought or built your own OpenPCD device and are eager to get started?

Getting started - OpenPCD

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