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Qt Framework

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Intro to Qt Quick. Qt is a full development framework with tools designed to streamline the creation of applications and user interfaces for desktop, embedded, and mobile platforms.

Intro to Qt Quick

Qt Framework - intuitive APIs for C++ and JavaScript-like programming with Qt Quick for rapid UI creationQt Creator IDE - a powerful cross-platform integrated development environment, including UI designer tools and on- device debuggingTools and toolchains - internationalization support, embedded toolchains, and more. With Qt, you can reuse code efficiently to target multiple platforms with one code base. The modular C++ class library and developer tools easily enables developers to create applications for one platform and easily build and run to deploy on another platform.

Qt Framework and tools are available under both open-source and commercial licenses. The commercially licensed Qt Enterprise and Qt Mobile products contain additional functionality and productivity tools. LinuxUser - Das Magazin für die Praxis - LU 02/2003 - K-Splitter. Tuto : How to install Qt embedded linux 4.5.1 on arm board phycore i.MX31 from phytec - Tutorials, Tips and snippets -

Hello, A post to explain how to install qt embedded linux on a phycore i.mx31 from phytec.

Tuto : How to install Qt embedded linux 4.5.1 on arm board phycore i.MX31 from phytec - Tutorials, Tips and snippets -

Sorry for the english 1. Comments Host PC have an opensuse 10.2. The ARM board is a phycore i.MX31 with the entire kit (screen...) $ means is a terminal command to write. $ must not be write. Execution of the exemple program on the target board. 3. Kernel of the board. 3.1.Download/unzip Download the file tslib-1.0.tar.gz sur le site 3.2.Installation in a terminal, go to the created folder after unzip and write and write root password. 4. framework compilation of qt embedded for linux 4.5.1 download the file qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.5.1.tar.gz on (go to download and choose Download Qt libraries 4.5 for embedded Linux (128 Mb) 4.2.Change compiler Edit the qmake.conf file in the folderqt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.5.1/mkspecs/qws/linux-arm-g++ Change following lines to use the compiler given by phytec : comment lines et write and write and write :

Downloads. Power.


Beauty. Portability. Target Everything with Qt. Qt is the leading C++ based cross-platform UI and software application development framework used by over 500,000 developers worldwide. With Qt, you can reuse code efficiently and target at least 14 leading desktop, embedded and mobile platforms with one code base and built-in Qt Cloud Services. Improve Product Lifecycle and Corporate Productivity with Qt. Qt's extensive and intuitive technology is proven to speed up time-to-market by 50% for cross-platform and multi-screen development. Qt powers millions of products developed by leading companies in over 70 industries and is the development technology of choice for 5 of the Top 10 Fortune 500 companies. Online Reference Documentation.

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