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Switchercad: neues Model einbinden. Schaltplaneditoren. Grundüberlegungen zum Auswahl eines Layoutprogrammes[Bearbeiten] Sehr häufig wird die Frage gestellt, welches Platinenlayoutprogramm man sich denn nun am besten kaufen soll. Diese Frage ist leider nicht einfach zu beantworten, weil sie von vielen Umständen abhängt, und für jeden individuell beantwortet werden muss. Daher hier ein paar grundsätzliche Überlegungen, welche in die eigenen Entscheidungen einfliessen könnten. Grundsätzlich ist der Übergang vom Hobbyanwender über den professionellen Kleingewerbetreibenden in Handwerk und Ingenieurbüro bis zum Vollzeit Platinenentwickler in der Industrie, der nur Großprojekte bearbeitet, stufenlos.

Letztere haben im allgemeinen aber schon genaue Vorstellungen über das, was sie benötigen. so sind diese Überlegungen in erster Linie für Hobbyanwender und Kleingewerbetreibende gedacht. Freeware vs. Einarbeitung[Bearbeiten] Grundsätzlich gibt es kein Layoutprogramm, in das man sich nicht einarbeiten müsste. Handlichkeit[Bearbeiten] AACircuit[Bearbeiten] . Static Free Software Home Page. FreeRouting : home. Qucs project: screenshots. [ schematic area - dialogs - languages - miscellaneous - tools ] Screenshots of schematic and data display areas The screenshots below show the main schematic and data display area of the Qucs GUI on the lower right corner, the menus and icons at the upper part and the project/contents/component/action/diagram selection on the left hand side.

Simple filter in qucs-qt4 Combined schematic and data visualisation. Simple schematic area. Data display with different kinds of data representations (diagrams) and data markers. Data display with 3D diagram. Please note that the actual appearance depends on the window manager (window decorations), the selected type of font and its size and the widget set can be selected by the qtconfig program. Search by BOM. KICAD quick lib gen. KICAD Libraries. Kicad related links. Kicad: How to use a Bus with Hierarchical Labels? The answer to this question is really rare to find in a clear form in the net.

I tried around a bit and found it out myself. The thing which isn't really obvious, is that, if you use a hierarchical bus label, you have to define the bus with a normal label within each hierarchical level too. As you can see on the GND pin, the additional labeling isn't required for single pins. It works: UPDATE: Forget to mention, this is only an example, it shouldn't be used for anything. Kicad - Transwiki. [edit] Kicad [edit] Related kicad pages EE CAD Terminology kicad Navigator - the kicad project Manager eeschema - the schematic editor cvpcb - the component to module (AKA foot-print) editor pcbnew - the PCB layout program Gerbview - the Gerber file viewer - and production notes Bitmap2Component Converts bitmap images to filled polygons wings3d - 3d view - good way to waste a lot of time..

[edit] Things that are Common to all the different kicad programs measuring things - the space bar resets the relative coordinates (look at the bottom right of the screen - the small 'x' and 'y'. [edit] The programs that makeup Kicad [edit] This is the top program of the kicad system - a project manager which lets you create and name projects and start the major components of kicad. Assign footprints to parts Creates .cmp and .stf files. Pcbnew - the PCB layout program Gerbview - the Gerber file viewer [edit] [edit] Incrementing the file names of a Project $cd project_dir $cd .. [edit] Freerouter. Liquid PCB.