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Low-Cost-Strahlendetektor | Hardware Hacks. Von Anika Kehrer, Elke Schick – 11.03.2013 Einfache Zutaten, Anfängertauglich, nicht ganz so einfache Funktionsweise: Beim Umbau einer Erdnussdose in ein Messgerät für Radioaktivität lernt man nebenbei was es mit Ionisierender Strahlung, Transistoren und physikalischer Stromrichtung auf sich hat.

Im Dezember 2012 fand in Berlin zum ersten Mal das Exceptionally Hard and Soft Meeting (EHSM) statt. Im Rahmen dieser Veranstaltung, die ein Forum für fortgeschrittene DIY-Projekte bietet, gab es einen Workshop mit dem Titel 'How to hack a peanut can into a radiation detector'. Gehalten hat ihn die Selfmade-Kernphysikerin Bionerd23. Die 29-jährige ist durch ihren Youtube-Channel mit über 12.000 Abonnenten und mehr als 6 Millionen Views international bekannt. Ihren realen Namen verwendet sie nicht. Radioaktivität ist der Zerfall von Atomkernen. Ganz simples Schema einer Ionisationskammer: links die Kathode, rechts die Anode Bild: Michael Schoenitzer Bild: Anika Kehrer Die Materialien: Das Werkzeug:

Current Projects. Here is a list of projects completed, currently being built or planned, feel free to contact me about any of these projects as feedback is always welcomed. These projects where conceived from an interest in Radio Astronomy, Particle physics and a discussion at a Dorkbot Meeting about a number of different project ideas I've had. I’ve now come to see cosmic ray detection as the poor man’s version of particle physics experiments. As the journey of construction, experimentation and interpretation of results, has meant learning a little bit more about the fascinating particles and forces that make up our universe. If you would like to discuss ideas and your interest in Cosmic Rays with me and others here are some social media sites I also admin: I haven't had time to document all my projects, but below are a list of some projects please feel free to write to me and ask question if information is not clear enough.

Second Prototype still more work to do 24th March 2012, but getting there. Rutherford-Streuung. Rutherfordscher Streuversuch (Manchester, 1909–1913)[Bearbeiten] Aufbau und Versuchsdurchführung[Bearbeiten] Versuchsaufbau: 1: Radioaktives Radium, 2: Bleimantel zur Abschirmung, 3: Alpha-Teilchenstrahl, 4: Leuchtschirm bzw. Fotografieschirm 5: Goldfolie 6: Punkt, an dem die Strahlen auf die Folie treffen, 7: Teilchenstrahl trifft den Schirm, nur wenige Teilchen werden abgelenkt. Beobachtung[Bearbeiten] Fast alle Alpha-Teilchen können die Goldfolie ungehindert passieren.Nur bei ca. 1 von 100.000 Alpha-Teilchen wird die Richtung geändert.Größere Streuwinkel kommen dabei immer seltener vor, je größer der Winkel ist.Auch Streuwinkel von über 90° gibt es, aber extrem selten.Einige Alpha-Teilchen werden zurück gestreut.

Für die beobachtete Verteilung hat Rutherford die unten beschriebene Streuformel entwickelt. Interpretation[Bearbeiten] Rutherfordsche Streuformel[Bearbeiten] im Schwerpunktsystem an: Die gleiche Formel in kernphysikalisch sinnvollen Einheiten: im Raumwinkel auftreffen. gestreut. Sei. Rutherford scattering. Rutherford scattering is a phenomenon in physics that was explained by Ernest Rutherford in 1911,[1] which led to the development of the Rutherford model (planetary model) of the atom, and eventually to the Bohr model. It is now exploited by the materials analytical technique Rutherford backscattering. Rutherford scattering is also sometimes referred to as Coulomb scattering because it relies only upon static electric (Coulomb) forces, and the minimal distance between particles is set only by this potential.

The classical Rutherford scattering of alpha particles against gold nuclei is an example of "elastic scattering" because the energy and velocity of the outgoing scattered particle is the same as that with which it began. Rutherford also later analyzed inelastic scattering when he projected alpha particles against hydrogen nuclei (protons) ; however this latter process is not referred to as "Rutherford scattering", although Rutherford was first to observe it. Derivation[edit] where as. Charakterisierung Radioaktiver Strahlung. Strahlenschutzkurs htw-saarland. Teilchendetektoren. Alpha, Beta und Gamma-Detektoren (H.J. Wollersheim) Unibw. Radioaktivität messen? Vorlesung190504. Vorlesung260504. Polaris: New nuclear materials detector. Nuclear materials detector shows exact location of radiation sources. Public release date: 3-Nov-2010 [ Print | E-mail Share ] [ Close Window ] Contact: Nicole Casal 734-647-7087University of Michigan ANN ARBOR, Mich.

---A table-top gamma-ray detector created at the University of Michigan can not only identify the presence of dangerous nuclear materials, but can pinpoint and show their exact location and type, unlike conventional detectors. "Other gamma ray detectors can tell you perhaps that nuclear materials are near a building, but with our detector, you can know the materials are in room A, or room B, for example," said Zhong He, a professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences.

"This is the first instrument for this purpose that can give you a real-time image of the radiation source. Gamma rays are high-energy photons, or particles of light. Polaris is composed of 18 cubes of the semiconductor cadmium zinc telluride. For more information: Zhong He: Nuclear materials detector shows exact location of radiation sources | The University Record Online. Research By Nicole Casal MooreNews Service A table-top gamma-ray detector created at U-M not only can identify the presence of dangerous nuclear materials, but can pinpoint and show their exact location and type, unlike conventional detectors.

“Other gamma ray detectors can tell you perhaps that nuclear materials are near a building, but with our detector, you can know the materials are in room A, or room B, for example,” says Zhong He, a professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences. The new Polaris gamma ray detector can pinpoint the location of special nuclear materials, such as those used for dirty bombs or nuclear weapons. Photo courtesy Zhong He. “This is the first instrument for this purpose that can give you a real-time image of the radiation source. Gamma rays are high-energy photons, or particles of light. Polaris is composed of 18 cubes of the semiconductor cadmium zinc telluride. Physics and engineering of radiation ... - Google B cher. 2010 Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications (SORMA XII) - Program.

Semiconductor Detector

Geiger Mueller Tube. Golay Cell. Scintillator. Neutron Detector.