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Les Etats-Unis prêts à enterrer la neutralité du net. Les grands fournisseurs d'accès à Internet (FAI) américains pourraient bientôt obtenir gain de cause. Jeudi 24 avril, la Federal Communication Commission (FCC), le gendarme américain des télécoms, va dévoiler un nouveau cadre réglementaire, encore au stade de projet, remettant en cause la neutralité du net. Ce principe, défendu par les grandes sociétés Internet, assure un traitement équitable entre tous acteurs du web.

A l'heure actuelle, les opérateurs ne peuvent, par exemple, pas faire payer les gros consommateurs de bande passante pour maintenir une vitesse de connexion rapide sur leur site. La FCC semble cependant prête à revenir sur cette interdiction: les nouvelles règles permettront désormais aux FAI de facturer un "traitement préférentiel". Autrement dit, une connexion optimale pour les sites qui acceptent de payer. Netflix et YouTube (et donc Google) sont les deux premiers visés par cette menace. Le tout en augmentant leurs profits. Photos: Free Press. Open letter to NGOs, activists and concerned citizens. Dear friends! May 9 is closing in and this year Europe day is a "förfest" to the EP elections on May 22-25. I would like to propose that we all come together in flach mobs on Europe day in as many European city's as possible to 1. Get people to vote 2. campaign for more Europe 3. for more democracy 4. for more solidarity 5. and for more tolerance Under a common slogan we show our bottom-up approach, our strength, our determination, our diversity and our common identity.

The only coordination needed is the slogan and someone who can document the number of city's that take part in this action. If you are interested to organize one or two flachmobs or just to be apart of this action for the people of Europe, please comment below or send a email to Turkey: Council of Europe to examine Twitter ban. EU Parliament approves privacy package | Europe | DW.DE | 11.03.2014. When members of the European Parliament (EP) clicked the buttons of their voting machines on Wednesday (12.03.2014) in Strasbourg, there was tension in the air.

Claude Moraes worried whether the bulk of the last months' work would have been in vain or not. After all, one of the votes was on the report which was put together after a recent parliamentary inquiry into mass surveillance, which Moraes was the rapporteur of. He needn't have worried. The European parliament has rubber-stamped the data protection reform. Moraes' report was part of a package deal together with a regulation and a directive on data protection.

"The data regulation and the directive are the single biggest pieces of legislation the EP has ever passed," the Labour MEP told DW. Moraes: 'No national parliament has ever tried to get the balance between privacy and internet usage.' Passed with a large margin The 'yes' to the regulation means that MEPs can soon start negotiating with national governments.

NSA snooping: MEPs table proposals to protect EU citizens' privacy. The European Parliament should withhold its consent to an EU-US trade deal unless it fully respects EU citizens’ data privacy, says an inquiry report on US National Security Agency (NSA) and EU member states surveillance of EU citizens, approved by the Civil Liberties Committee on Wednesday. It adds that data protection rules should be excluded from the trade talks and negotiated separately with the US. The text, passed by 33 votes to 7 with 17 abstentions, condemns the “vast, systemic, blanket collection of personal data of innocent people, often comprising intimate personal information”, adding that “the fight against terrorism can never be a justification for untargeted, secret or even illegal mass surveillance programmes”. "We now have a comprehensive text that for the first time brings together in-depth recommendations on Edward Snowden's allegations of NSA spying and an action plan for the future.

Data protection must be excluded from trade talks Digital “new deal” Next steps. Quotas and questions: Swiss agree to curb immigration and rethink EU deal. Voters in Switzerland have narrowly approved a rightwing proposal to curb immigration. It imposes limits on the number of foreigners allowed in and may signal an end to the country’s free movement accord with the European Union.

The initiative was approved by just 50.3% of votes cast and was passed by a majority of cantons. The move by the Swiss People’s Party - known for its anti-foreigner and anti-EU agenda - will see the reintroduction of quotas, as well as a national preference when filling job vacancies and restrictions of immigrants’ rights to social benefits. Critically, it also stipulates that Switzerland will have to renegotiate its bilateral accord with the EU on the free movement of people within three years or revoke it. This in turn could threaten other bilateral agreements with the EU. Justice Minister Simonetta Sommaruga described the outcome as "a pivotal decision with far-reaching consequences". Three years Close race Prosperity Canada, Asia, Croatia. Le discours d’Obama déçoit les eurodéputés, qui demandent à entendre Snowden. EU Copyright Reform: Your Input Is Needed! Europeans: sign petition calling on EU leaders to stop mass surveillance programmes. ICT Security Analysts and Assistants.

This page is available in 3 languages The EU Institutions are looking for highly-talented and motivated staff to carry out a range of duties in the ICT and cyber security field on fixed-term contracts. As an ICT Security Assistant or Analyst based in Brussels or Luxembourg you will have an important role to play in ensuring the highest levels of ICT security for the EU Institutions. You will be involved in all aspects of ICT security from managing infrastructure, drafting policies and defining configuration settings, to incident response, forensic investigation and audit, as well as awareness raising and training initiatives.

If you are a European citizen*, fluent in an official EU language, with a good level of English, French or German and a proven track record in ICT security, then this is the job for you. To apply for the assistant role, you'll ideally have a technical qualification in a relevant field followed by at least 3 years' experience in the ICT or cyber security field. Top. St08013.en13. Anti-corruption and ”blood diamonds” in EP: Transparency Directive. Yesterday I referred to the building of the single market as generally ”humdrum actions for trade and prosperity in Europe”, but seemingly dull business regulation can target hot topics, such as government corruption in developing countries and ”blood diamonds”, (rare) minerals from warlords in conflict areas and "flavour of the season" tax evasion.

EP Committees We have followed the revision of the Transparency Directive 2004/109 (here, here and here). Now we look how the proposal COM(2011) 683 has advanced in the European Parliament. The rapporteur Arlene McCarthy (S&D, UK) prepared the report for the Committee on Legal Affairs Committee (JURI), which on 27 September 2012 adopted it for the plenary of the European Parliament. According to the legislative observatory Oeil the indicative date for the first reading is 21 May 2013. The Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) functioned as an associated committee, with Sirpa Pitetikäinen (EPP, FI) drafting the opinion. David Cameron: "Wir wollen ein Europa, das aufwacht" - Politik. Anzeige Europa muss aufwachen: Der britische Premierminister David Cameron bekennt sich im SZ-Interview klar zu Großbritanniens Platz in der EU. Gleichzeitig mahnt er aber weitreichende Reformen in der Union an - und dringt auf eine Fortsetzung der Sparpolitik.

Von Stefan Kornelius, Witney Der britische Premierminister David Cameron hat erneut für eine Reform der Europäischen Union geworben und verlangt dazu Änderungen an den EU-Verträgen. "Ich bin absolut überzeugt davon, dass es notwendig sein wird, die Verträge zu öffnen", sagte Cameron in einem Interview der Süddeutschen Zeitung und vier anderen Tageszeitungen in seinem Wahlkreis in Oxfordshire. "Wir wollen ein Europa, das aufwacht und diese moderne Welt aus Wettbewerb und Flexibilität erkennt. " Die EU sei "reif für Reformen", sagte der Premier, der am 23. Die Öffnung der Verträge gilt unter EU-Experten als riskant, weil Begehrlichkeiten aller Mitglieder geweckt werden könnten und in vielen Staaten ein Referendum notwendig würde. Presents TPB AFK. Cyprus eurozone statements – What's next?

Spring European Council: What do you tell the unemployed? EU leaders may wonder at total US nonfarm payroll employment increasing by 236,000 in February (in professional and business services, construction, and health care), and the unemployment rate edging down to 7.7 percent, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics. The European road into recession, mass unemployment and bleak prospects for children and young people has been paved with good intentions.

Recovery is the anticipatory buzzword from the Irish presidency of the Council of the European Union, although the European Economic Forecast Winter 2013 from the Commission's DG Ecfin again postponed perceptible growth prospects in the euro area and the EU27, now until 2014 and with hoped for jobs growth trailing. European growth agenda The European growth agenda does not lack aims, declarations or programmes: the Euro Plus Pact EUCO 10/1/11 REV 1 (Annex I) the Compact for growth and jobs EUCO 76/12 (Annex) European Semester and credibility. / Twitter. Your EU rights as a telecoms user. EU-US Free Trade Agreement, European Trade Commissioner Karel de Gucht. New platform tracks lobbyists copy-pasting their way into EU legislation. A team of German journalists and developers concerned about data protection legislation have launched an online platform to expose the copy-pasting of lobbyists’ position papers into EU legislation.

It’s called LobbyPlag and it aims to denounce deregulating influences (such as Ebay’s or the European Banking Federation’s) on EU Committee members’ amendments to the draft of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This law, planned to take effect in 2016, is intended to replace previous obsolete directives and unify data protection within the EU. Richard Gutjahr, one of the LobbyPlag founders, explained to euronews how the idea came to them. Max Schrems (an Austrian student taking Facebook to court over privacy concerns) came to him last week with a discovery he had made. Gutjahr said at that time he was not very knowledgeable about the European law making process. After a few sleepless nights and numerous conference calls, the beta version of LobbyPlag was born. Time is running out. European Parliament leaders rejected EU long term budget.

Political agreement among the heads of state or government is not the end of the story concerning the EU long term budget. European Parliament The blog posts MAD MFF – Euroblogs on budget EUCO and Seven years in bleak house show that the national political leaders gathered in the European Council 7-8 February 2013 stubbornly pursued more limited priorities than Martin Schulz, who spoke as the president of the directly elected European Parliament (EP). The European Parliament has communicated its priorities for the long term budget 2014-2020 well in advance (feature page with links). Besides contesting a long term budget leading to a structural deficit, the group leaders presented a common front on four points: First, we are calling for increased flexibility using Qualified Majority Voting : between years and between categories of spending.

It is a sensible approach which will allow us to make the best use of our financial resources. EP consent 2. P.S. Press releases. EC Audiovisual Service - EbS. EU Initiative Will Map Cyber Repression Around the World. Ce qu’il faut retenir des directives européennes en matière de protection des données personnelles. Un ensemble de règles sur la protection de la vie privée est en train d’être appliqué, pour la première fois, de façon uniforme pour les entreprises européennes.

Ces nouvelles dispositions imposeront la mise en place d’une procédure de notification immédiate en cas de violation de ces règles ou de toute utilisation non autorisée de données à caractère personnel. Il s’agira de la première mise à jour de la réglementation concernant la protection des données personnelles qui date de 1995. Les propositions ont pour but d’augmenter significativement les pouvoirs punitifs de l’UE concernant les acteurs qui facilitent l’utilisation frauduleuse des données personnelles, ou qui vendent sans autorisation les données d’utilisateurs à des tiers. Elles ont aussi pour but de protéger les informations détenues par les réseaux sociaux et les services de Cloud Computing. Des réserves ont été émises quant au montant maximum des sanctions, celui-ci pouvant aller jusqu’à 5% du chiffre d’affaires. The EU Commission Tries To Silence Data Retention Critic. Décryptage du projet de loi européen sur les données personnelles.

Tandis qu’à Bruxelles l’on tente d’harmoniser les lois européennes relatives à la conservation des données personnelles, les entreprises en sont trop souvent encore à essayer d’intégrer leur réglementation nationale. Cette différence de tempo laisse la place libre à de bons travaux de vulgarisation et d’explication du projet européen, tant qu’il est encore temps de s’y pencher ! C’est le cas de la présentation de Thiébaut Devergranne, du site Son intervention lors du dernier SecurityTuesday organisé par ISSA France a le mérite d’expliquer les points essentiels du projet européen, et surtout ce que cela change pour l’entreprise. A découvrir ici : #liveF24 Livetweet - Comment the News Live 24/7 with Twitter.

Google Could Face Heavy Antitrust Fines In the EU. Justice & Home Affairs / EU cyber-crime chief fears massive proliferation. BRUSSELS - Europe's new online crime centre faces an almost insurmountable task, its incoming chief Troels Oerting has said. "There is no absolute security, it is a myth," Oerting, who is from January to run the European Cybecrime Centre - an offshoot of the EU's joint police body, Europol - told MEPs at a hearing in Brussels on Monday (17 September).

He noted that the anonymity of online crime is a major problem. There are currently some 3.4 billion possible Internet Protocol (IP) addresses which assign numerical labels to computers and devices connected online and that number is set to increase exponentially. "We will soon have 4.2 billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion addresses. He added that more than 200 billion spam emails are being sent every day and that 46 new malicious codes aimed to steal online data are being created every second.

He said his new centre will combat intrusion, fraud, and child sexual exploitation. Child exploitation is also getting worse. EU's Catherine Ashton meets Iran nuclear negotiator. Cyber security strengthened at EU institutions following successful pilot scheme. Les banques sont-elles suffisamment contr l es? Microsoft Ready To Address EU Antitrust Concerns. Economic Affairs / EU faces 'lost generation' of almost 8 million young people. Justice & Home Affairs / Customers still 'in the dark' on cyber crime, warns EU agency. Cyber incident reporting in the EU. Hannan wants to scrap EU law and single market. EU plans to ‘fingerprint the world’ for new border controls are bound to generate controversy.

Seminar of Best Practices in Cooperation between EU Member States against Cyber Crime. Eurozone crisis handling a PR disaster. Urgent need for European competitiveness, growth and entrepreneurship. EU online copyright licensing proposal. Ouya: a $99 hackable Android game console designed by Yves Behar. Acta : Michel Barnier veut faire "sauter les verrous" ACTA Week in EU Parliament Committees. Can EU media and civil society break the omertà? European Ombudsman»Press. Google Privacy Policy Could Violate EU Law. Parliament to receive 2.4 million petition signatures against ACTA. Euro crises exposed and added to EU lack of legitimacy and democracy. Online | Tausende demonstrieren erneut gegen ACTA. Bulgaria to suspend ACTA ratification - minister - Bulgaria. Follow ACTA networks with news and links. Civil society beating back ACTA assault. ACTA demonstrations and EU online music licensing.

ACTA and EU IPR enforcement agenda. ACTA: Letter to the EU Parliament Development Committee. BEREC Guidelines on Transparency in the scope of Net Neutrality. BEREC Work Programme 2012. US lobbying against draft Data Protection Regulation. European Parliament: Reject Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) French ex-President Jacques Chirac guilty of corruption. EU Employment Commissioner Calls Merkel-Sarkozy Euro Sanctions Plan "a Joke" ”EU Funding Could Hurt Open Source Licensing” Live broadcast of the European Parliament plenary sitting. Turncoat EU Parliament Gives Up on Defending Free Wireless Communications. China to hold sway at G20 Cannes summit. Is the Commission breaking its own laws? | Europe in the World. EU Debates Installing a Black Box On Your Computer. Sarkozy Open to Idea of Special EU Commissioner, Rutte Says.

Powered by Google Docs. Ahoy there! Pirates going legit. Greece on verge of default as doubt grows over €8bn bailout | World news | The Observer. [Hub] Fwd: RE: Written procedure on a consultation of the Legal Service. Italy Debt Risk Rises to Record, Leading European Swaps Higher Amid Crisis. Trade Committee not interested in fundamental rights.