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Iemanjá (Yemayá) - Los nombres de la Diosa. Yemayá, Iemanjá, Yemanyá o Jemanjá, es una Orishá femenina del panteón Yoruba originario de Nigeria y trasladado al continente americano en el periodo de esclavitud con el resto de sus religiones y costumbres. El 2 de febrero se realiza su celebración en todos los países americanos del Atlántico sur. En ese día, personas de cultos tales como el Africanismo, el Candomblé y la Umbanda (incluida la Quimbanda) van hacia el mar llevando barcas con ofrendas, también llamadas “ferramentas“. Sincretismo Presente (ofrenda) para Iemanjá en Praia do Rio Vermelho Las personas traídas desde África para ser esclavizadas, se vieron obligadas a convertirse a la religión católica, así pues sincretizaron a sus deidades. Iemanjá se sincretizó con la Virgen María bajo su advocación de Stella Maris, patrona de la navegación, la marina y la pesca (este sincretismo se dio en Brasil). Representaciones Iemanjá acompañada por Ibejis (imágenes tradicionales africanas) Objetos propios de Iemanjá Ferramentas Wikipedia.

The Goddess Who Moves Like the Waves. Category:Iemanjá. Yemaya, Mother Goddess of the Ocean. Do not be afraid to visit me in the depths. Yemaya is the Yorùbá Orisha or Goddess of the living Ocean, considered the mother of all. She is the source of all the waters, including the rivers of western Africa, especially the River Ogun. Her name is a contraction of Yey Omo Eja, which means "Mother Whose Children are the Fish. " As all life is thought to have begun in the sea, all life is held to have begun with Yemaya. Yemaya was brought to the New World with the African diaspora and She is now worshipped in many cultures besides Her original Africa. In Haitian Vodou She is worshipped as a moon Goddess, and is believed to protect mothers and their children.

Yemaya rules over the surface of the ocean, where life is concentrated. Our Lady of Regla in Brazil may be linked to Her, and She is equated elsewhere in the Americas with the Virgin Mary as the Great Mother. Yemaya's colors are blue and white, and She is said to wear a dress with seven skirts that represent the seven seas. Yemaya : Goddess of the Ocean and The New Year. They call her the goddess Yemaya, Ymoga (Mother of the Fishes), Iamanga, and Balianne. She traveled with them from Yoruba to distant lands, comforting them in the holds of the slave ships that took them far away from their homeland in Africa.

Today she is also celebrated under many other names, including the virgin Mary (Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception), Stella Maris (Star of the Sea), and Our Lady of name but a few. Originally Yemaya was a river goddess of the Yoruba in Nigeria, far from the ocean. She was a nature spirit, an orisha, a powerful guardian spirit that reflects an important aspect of the God of the Ife religion. An orisha manifests itself as a force of nature. When her people were hoarded onto the slave ships, Yemaya went with them, thus becoming the Goddess of the Ocean. Actually Yemaya shares responsibility for the ocean with another orisha. Yemaya is a mother goddess, the goddess of home, fertility, love and family. Yemaya » Santeria Church of the Orishas. Yemayá is the orisha of motherhood, and queen of the sea.

She is the mother of all living things and the owner of all waters. Yemayá (also spelled Yemoja, Iemoja, or Yemaya) is one of the most powerful orishas in Santeria. She is the mother of all living things, rules over motherhood and owns all the waters of the Earth. She gave birth to the stars, the moon, the sun and most of the orishas. Yemaya makes her residence in life-giving portion of the ocean (although some of her roads can be found in lagoons or lakes in the forest). Yemaya can be found in all the waters of the world, and because of this she has many aspects of “caminos” (roads), each reflecting the nature of different bodies of water. Yemaya has a very special relationship with two orishas in particular: Oshún and Chango. Different roads of Yemaya have had relationships with many of the male orishas including: Orunmila, Ogun, Inle, Orisha Oko, Obatala and Aggayu. Symbols, Numbers, Colors and Attributes of Yemayá Number: 7. Yemayá.