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Consulting skills

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True giants of mining: World's top 10 iron ore mines. The price of iron ore on Thursday turned positive amid new signs that China, which dominates the seaborne trade in the steelmaking raw material, will be pushing ahead with stimulus programs to boost its slowing economy.

True giants of mining: World's top 10 iron ore mines

The benchmark 62% Fe import price including freight and insurance at the Chinese port of Tianjin added 1.4% to $56.80 a tonne. Iron ore reached a 10-week high last week according to data provided by The SteelIndex and is trading up some 28% from record lows for the spot market hit early July 8. While today's price is nowhere near record highs above $190 a tonne reached in February 2011, it is worth noting that iron ore traded for less than $20 a tonne for 40 years before China's rapid expansion transformed the industry at the turn of the century and made iron the second most traded commodity after crude oil. Develop Essential Skillset for Strategy Consulting - Strategic Support for Investors, Businesses and Entrepreneurs.

A growing number of individuals are interested in pursuing a career in Strategy and M&A advisory and consequently the standard demanded by leading consulting and advisory practices has risen over recent years.

Develop Essential Skillset for Strategy Consulting - Strategic Support for Investors, Businesses and Entrepreneurs

Successful consultants must be best-in-class across the following skill sets: Essential skillset for Strategy Consulting Impeccable researching skills (desk research, telephone interviewing and face-to-face)Outstanding analytical and syntheses skills (e.g. the ability to delve into deep data analysis and then synthesise the key messages / "so whats")Excellent written communication (to produce word and powerpoint reports)Strong PowerPoint presentation creation (essential for developing client presentation packs late at night!)

Typical Consulting Sector Practices In addition to the above skill sets, it is increasingly becoming important for consultants to develop deep sector experience within one or two industry verticals. Consulting Crossroads: Hallmarks of Today's Effective Consultant. The funny thing about carpel tunnel syndrome - if anything can be funny about it - is that between the discomfort and the clumsiness encountered in typing with a brace and a watch on the wrong hand and the knowledge that each word you are typing has more-or-less been counter-indicated by your doctor and common sense, it forces a certain economy of expression - written at least - and compels briefer, punchy, sparing, and even parsimonious prose.

Consulting Crossroads: Hallmarks of Today's Effective Consultant

An opportunity to present to a wonderful bunch of healthcare consultants recently and the saving graces of PowerPoint gave me the perfect chance to practice my new therapeutic terseness. Of the topics covered, one of particular relevance here was: what are the hallmarks of an effective consultant? Now obviously there are many different ways to address this question, and in response, from a very long list, emerged a core cluster of pithy axioms which are more of a representative sample then they are a definitive inventory. What's on your list? Essential Business Skills. Aside from your core expertise like environmental or sales consulting, which will form the basis of your business, you will need to cultivate a broad range of skills to complement and reinforce that expertise when dealing with clients and running your business consultancy.

Essential Business Skills

CommunicationTop consulting companies and freelancers will need to handle a large amount of oral and written communication with clients, before, during and after projects. Not only do you need to be able to communicate effectively, you also need to provide polished advertising and marketing materials, and present yourself professionally when speaking to clients. If you are concerned that you lack practice in either of these areas, enroll yourself in a short course to brush up on skills before you get started! Observation Another large part of the consultants’ role, in any field, is that of observer.

Plan well, be punctual and stick to timeframes and methodology, unless otherwise discussed with your client. Consulting Skills, Tools, and Tips. Hypothesis-based consulting: guessing the answers to client problems (09/26/12) What we call hypothesis-based consulting, some cynics call educated guessing.

Consulting Skills, Tools, and Tips

Either way, it is a smart way to break down complex or ambiguous problems, and quickly start driving towards an answer. Hypotheses start early in the process, go broad at first, but then get narrowed down quickly. It can be unnerving to some clients, but it works. The key skills/learnings that top tier management consulting companies teach - Quora. The Management Consulting Competency Framework - Institute of Management Consultants USA. "Management consultants are those organizations and/or individuals that participate in the process of management consulting within a framework of appropriate and relevant professional disciplines and ethics designed for the activity of management consulting. "Source: Institute of Management Consultancy, definition in self-regulation paper (the Institute of Management Consultancy, the UK equivalent of IMC USA, merged in April 2007 with the Institute of Business Advisers to form the Institute of Business Consulting) In March 2010, IMC USA was accredited as a ISO/IEC 17024:2003 Certifying Body for the CMC®, and the IMC USA Competency Framework was combined with the IMC USA CMC® Eligibility Standard 1 to form the IMC USA Competency Framework - Certification Scheme for the Certified Management Consultant® (CMC®), a comprehensive overview of the certification process.

Top Skills of Management Consultants. Management consultants are hired by businesses that wish to improve their operations.

Top Skills of Management Consultants

The consultant analyzes the business and makes recommendations to management based on the analysis. Even though the Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that demand for management consultants is strong, there is considerable competition for top jobs. As a result, candidates must display top skills. Be The Best Consultant Ever: 6 Things That Will Make You Great. 6 Things Every Consulting Candidate Should Know. From outward appearances, business consulting is glamorous.

6 Things Every Consulting Candidate Should Know

You work with top people at respected firms. You travel constantly. You delve into the deepest recesses of prominent organizations to help solve their problems. 9 Consultant Skills They Don't Teach You In Business School. In my 20 years as an international consultant, I’ve observed my colleagues in action: from the very predictable cohort of gray-suited analysts to the egotistical and colorful "friend" of the CEO.

9 Consultant Skills They Don't Teach You In Business School

And then, they are those who do great work. These often discreet consultants share nine skills, not taught in business school, that separate the effective from the awesome: 1. Dot-to-Dot Literacy Dot-to-dot literacy is the ability the connect the dots and as such anticipate threats and opportunities long before others do. Intelligence takes its meaning from the Latin "inter" and "ligare," or "between" and "links. " Dot-to-dot literacy develops through ongoing scanning of trends, reading from multiple sources, asking questions, and actively seeking out new ideas. 2.

As an effective listener, a consultant needs to be able to identify—and discard—the "bullshit" to capture the truth within a message. 3. 4. 5. Long gone are the days when decisions made at the top were implemented en masse. 6. 7. 8. 9. Skills and Talents Required to Succeed in Management Consulting. Key Skills of a Consultant – Schulich Consulting Club. Key Skills of a Consultant All suc­cess­ful con­sul­tants share com­mon char­ac­ter­is­tics, skills, and strengths.

Key Skills of a Consultant – Schulich Consulting Club

Be­low are a few key traits that de­scribe the typ­i­cal con­sul­tant. #1 – Problem Solver Prob­lem solv­ing is the abil­ity to rec­og­nize an is­sue and pro­pose the best pos­si­ble so­lu­tion, con­sid­er­ing the com­plex­i­ties of each sit­u­a­tion. This is a key trait for all con­sul­tants as prob­lem solv­ing will be a com­mon task through­out the day for the av­er­age con­sul­tant.