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Shoppes of Enjoyment. Product Enjoyments. Epiphanie - SHOP-1. For Baby and Mom. Blog. Pinboard Blog Heartbleed and Pinboard By now you may have heard about the heartbleed bug, which affected many websites that use encryption. This is the Spanish Flu of security bugs—it hit almost everyone and took a disproportionate toll on the healthiest, those sites that followed security best practices. Servers affected by the bug (including the Pinboard site and API) could be tricked into sending private information that happened to be in memory. Worst of all, there's no way to tell from logs if anyone's data was exposed. This morning, I issued a new TLS certificate for the site, with a new private key.

Change your Pinboard password. In layman's terms, the bug was the equivalent of asking a stranger "hey, what's up? " Of course, I heard about heartbleed before it was cool. So only truly malicious people could have seen your Pinboard secrets. In awful times like these, it's good to stop and reflect on the timeless wisdom of the Pinboard security page: This is terrible! Give Lavabit Money.

Office, Storage, Organization, Etc Shoppes

Dogeared jewelry | Inspirational jewelry, journals, books | Brea. ShopStyle - (Current Session: Welcome to Anthropologie - Anthrop.