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40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World. If you’re a visual learner like myself, then you know maps, charts and infographics can really help bring data and information to life. Maps can make a point resonate with readers and this collection aims to do just that. Hopefully some of these maps will surprise you and you’ll learn something new. A few are important to know, some interpret and display data in a beautiful or creative way, and a few may even make you chuckle or shake your head.

If you enjoy this collection of maps, the Sifter highly recommends the r/MapPorn sub reddit. You should also check out 1. 2. 3. 4. Pangea was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras, forming about 300 million years ago. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 37. 38. 39. 40. *Bonus* World Map Tattoo with Countries Visited Coloured. МУРАД АДЖИ. Официальный сайт. | Главная страница. This is the site of the writer and historian Murad Adji whom you know by the books on history and culture of the Turkic world and the Great Steppe. His books “Wormwood of the Polovets Field” and “Europa's Asia” evoked wide response: people were either mocking without reasons or were really delighted. “The Kipchaks” and “The Kipchaks and the Oguz” which followed quickly became a “bibliographical rarity”.

Reprint of “Wormwood of the Polovets Field” and “Europa's Asia” (“Europe. The Turki. The Great Steppe”) did not satisfy the demand. It was quite the contrary. Thus a new arouse: to launch a site and allow the readers not able to buy the books to familiarize themselves with their contents. The series is opened by the new book by Murad Adji “The Turki and the World: The Secret Story” published in 2004. VASCOS, TEMPLARIOS, CAUCÁSICOS Y VIKINGOS EN ANTIOQUIA. La presencia del pueblo vasco en Antioquia durante la colonia y la época moderna ha sido ampliamente demostrada y documentada por genealogistas, historiadores, sociólogos, antropólogos y hasta genetistas. La mayoría de los trabajos o estudios realizados por los anteriores hablan de la preeminencia física, cultural, fenotípica y genotípica de los vascos en la población antioqueña, en mayor o menor grado, dependiendo de la época y zona de Antioquia en la que han realizado sus investigaciones.

La explicación la encuentran principalmente en el poblamiento que se dio durante los procesos de conquista y colonización del territorio antioqueño llevado a cabo por los europeos durante más de 300 años, y el aporte en menor escala, pero significativo por cuanto sus obras e impacto, de varios centenares de vascos que migraron en los ya casi 200 años que tiene Antioquia de vida republicana, después de que en 1813 cortara de manera definitiva los vínculos con España y declarara su independencia. Turkey and India: Fathers of Civilization. Gene Matlock: The India, Turkey, Mexico Connection Introducion Editor's Note: For almost ten years, Viewzone has been proud to introduce readers to the exceptional and often controversial work of Gene Matlock.

Gene has been credited with, almost single handedly, focusing historians and archaeoligists on the cultural similarities between the indigenous people of Mexico, past and present, and the ancient cultures of India and Turkey. Gene examines common words in use by everyday people, their cultural traditions and even their religious beliefs and "gods" to make an exhaustive comparison that must make even the most skeptical historian pause and re-examine history.

His intelligently written articles have been the topic of hundreds of on-line "blogs" and of classroom discussions in universities and livingrooms all over the globe. Gene is the author of numerous books on this topic and presents some of his most provacative theories for the readers of Viewzone.

Viewzone || Comments. More Connections Between Ancient India and Mexico. In the book Remedy the Frauds in Hinduism, Indian historian Purushothoma Chon mentioned that the Nagas of Tibet even had a similar bar and dot counting system to the Mayas of Mesoamerica, along with the same names for the place values. The use of a symbol for zero occurs in both sets of numerals, almost exclusively out of all the world's mathematical systems (in Mesopotamia a blank space was left to covey the idea of zero) The Astrological system of the Mayans was also stated to be derived from an Indian original and with similar names to the same signs.

I shall have to make a longer discussion of this in the future since I have the material in xeroxes in my files but currently no way to put up scans on the blog. Here is a section from a recent blog which I thought was relevant to the matter of transPacific diffusion of culture between ancient India and the Mayans of the New World: By Gene D. Maya Civilization of Mexico. Baffling Links with Ancient India. By Anand Sharma The archaeological remains of ancient Maya civilization of Mexico are lying scattered in the parts of Yucatan, Campeche, Tabasco and eastern half of Chiapas as well as in the territory of Quintana Roo of the republic of Mexico. Covering an area of about 125,000 square miles, its traces are to be found in the western section of Honduras Republic, Peten and adjacent highlands of Guatemala and practically in the whole of Honduras.

Admiral Christopher Columbus mistakenly called the New World inhabitants as Indians. Although he corrected himself subsequently, the natives of Americas continued to be called 'Indians'. During the course of his third journey, Columbus came into contact with 'Maya' people. Many theories have been advanced by scholars to explain the origins of these American Indians and if there were any links between the ancient civilizations of the Old World and the New World. Another archaeological discovery at the same place i.e.

What The Ancients Did For Us: The Indians. India is one of the oldest and richest civilizations in the world. It is home to the world's first planned cities, where every house had its own bathroom and toilet five thousand years ago. The Ancient Indians have not only given us yoga, meditation and complementary medicines, but they have furthered our knowledge of science, maths - and invented Chaturanga, which became the game of chess. According to Albert Einstein, they "taught us how to count", as they invented the numbers 1-9 and 'zero', without which there would be no computers or digital age. Unfairly we call this system of counting Arabic numbers - a misplaced credit. Two thousand years ago the Indians pioneered plastic surgery, reconstructing the noses and ears on the faces of people who had been disfigured through punishment or warfare.

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