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Classroom Election Videos. Tips and Tricks of Using Seesaw From Our #SeesawChat. #SeesawChat: 12th May 2016 “There are so many new things out there about what technology and how to use it in the classroom.

Tips and Tricks of Using Seesaw From Our #SeesawChat

I am not really comfortable using it.” This is a common statement among educators who are not comfortable infusing technology into the classroom. Very true. Augmented Reality. Here are some Augmented Reality Resources for Education.

Augmented Reality

Please contact me at if you have a suggestion for a new link. Click here for a Flipboard Magazine of current articles on Augmented Reality in Education. I have just published a packet on Teachers Pay Teachers of Lessons and Activities for using Augmented Reality in Education. Diary of a Techie Chick: Portable Mini Green-Screen.... One of the projects I like to do with my 6th grade students is "On the Scene Reporter".

Diary of a Techie Chick: Portable Mini Green-Screen....

I have a wall in my classroom painted green, for our staging area that I normally use for this project. My students are normally the reporter giving a report on Ancient Greece. Since this will be my 3rd time doing this project I have to switch it up just a little. Burp Title Screen - Book Burps. Item. 10 apps for creating poetry on the iPad - Erintegration. Playing Scoot on the iPad - a technology twist on a classic whole group movement review game - Erintegration. Friends to the Famous. Mrs. Silver's Spider PBL : Tom Keating. Hilbert Center - 'We Create' Quit Blaming the Devices. Her biggest issue, though, was with the silence.

Quit Blaming the Devices

As she puts it, “My lively little kids stopped talking and adopted the bent-neck, plugged-in posture of tap, tap, swipe.” Imagine the same complaint with a book. "My lively kids stopped talking and adopted the bent-necked, lost in a book posture of scanning text and flipping pages. " Kids stopped talking and started reading. 3 Apps to use in conjunction with the new Book Creator comic templates. Michelle, 31, a graduate with good genes and a job in the civil service, has the day off today (at the government’s expense) to begin her subsidised leisure cruise to the Maldives.

3 Apps to use in conjunction with the new Book Creator comic templates

Peter, 34, an engineer with a top degree from the National University of Singapore, is also about to leave for the boat, and is anxiously flattening his unruly hair in the mirror. Both hope that they might meet the partner of their dreams on this cruise, the one that will put light in their life and fire in their loins.

The government hopes so too; this cruise was organised by the Social Development Unit (the SDU, sometimes jokingly referred to as ‘Single, Desperate and Ugly’) – an organisation established in 1984 with the purpose of matching up graduate singles in Singapore in the hope that they reproduce and have intelligent babies. At the time this wasn’t in response to a decline in population, but rather, the wrong type of people having children. SeeSaw for iPad - Video tutorial. How To Writing: App Smashing With A Publishing Menu.

After our collaborative How To writing project, everyone was quick to get started on their own “expert” stories.

How To Writing: App Smashing With A Publishing Menu

Making lists of things we’re experts at helps generate ideas, then the stories start to flow! We’ve published our writing several different ways this year, so I offered an idea menu of apps to publish with to my class. This is by no means a comprehensive list of tools. I just wanted to provide them a jumping off point to get started when they were ready to publish. Please feel free to download the menu here. We use this menu as a talking / planning tool during a publishing conference. Explain Everything & Pixabay:

iPad Mania: 20 ideas for sparking interest in class with iPads. The iPad has game-changing potential for any classroom.

iPad Mania: 20 ideas for sparking interest in class with iPads

Use these ideas, tips and apps to spark some new interest. (Public domain photo via Unsplash) When Steve Jobs introduced the world to the iPad, it was a marvel that had the potential to make big change. It was visually stunning. It was tactile. The iPad’s possibilities in education were seen quickly and have developed over time. 17 secret iOS 9 tricks everyone should know. App-tastic Ideas for Building the Classroom Community. The Invisible iPad: It’s Not About the Device. By Michael Cohen Since the launch of the iPad in 2010, we have seen a revolutionary transformation in how we create, consume, and communicate.

The Invisible iPad: It’s Not About the Device

Whether the iPad is an authentic educational tool is not relevant, because it’s not about the iPad. Is the automobile an authentic education tool? What about the refrigerator? Revolutionary inventions are not about the invention itself, but what the invention gives use the ability to do. Record Yourself to Improve Your Practice. Creating vocabulary notebooks with a purpose. Alicia Sheehy is a Language Arts and Digital Literacy teacher at Faribault Middle School working with 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.

Creating vocabulary notebooks with a purpose

She is currently working on her Masters in Educational Technology through Minnesota State University, Mankato. Vocabulary Notebooks. How to Download Music and Video Files to the iPad. Have you ever needed to download music or video files to your iPad or iPhone?

How to Download Music and Video Files to the iPad

The lack of a dedicated file structure on the iPad is an often maligned feature that leads some to turn against the iPad as a tool for the classroom, but it shouldn’t. At least not when there are free apps like Documents by Readdle, which have been created to help fill that void. It is one of the few genuine five star apps in the App Store, and here’s why. Sapia's Scholars Book Reviews: Part 2. iPad teaching is NOT about iPads. I’ve covered technical and workflow ideas on this blog a lot but it’s time to properly summarise a teacher’s first priority when the kids have iPads. Now here is where I have an issue with terminology… Maybe not an issue of “Pedagogy” (As many know it) Until a few years ago, I would have used the word pedagogy in this post but this now has the wrong connotations for me as it is linked more strongly to ‘teaching’ and not ‘learning’.

To many I’ve worked with, the word pedagogy still implies “the way in which I deliver the content to the students” The tiers collapse The one-way ‘dumping’ of teacher knowledge into students has never inspired and is just not the way the world operates anymore. How Teachers Will Start the Learning Revolution. A couple of days ago, Miami-Dade County’s Superintendent, Alberto Carvalho, wrote an impassioned call to action for our schools to embrace the needs of today’s learners and today’s world. He explains, "Children are not widgets, and schools cannot be assembly lines of knowledge. " I commend him for this stand and also for the great work so many other districts are doing to build next generation learning opportunities.

Developing 21st century learning is a challenge every school and every district must now confront. We have reached the convergence of three critical factors: 1) the world and workforce demands new skills, 2) many of our students have already embraced a digital world already there, and 3) the technology and tools required are now widely available.

iOS Skills & Pedagogical Frameworks - Summer 2015 - Atlanta - iPad Classroom. Socrative Space Race ONE person from each group go to and enter room 989898. Socrative Resources Supporting Learning with Text-to-Speech As a group, we are going to turn on both Speak Selection and Speak Screen (see video tutorial in slides below for more information). With iPad, ANYTHING that is text can be heard! Speak Selection Challenge Open ANY app that allows you to type (e.g. A Guide to Producing Student Digital Storytellers. Everyone tells stories: journalists, politicians, scientists and entrepreneurs. Conveying information in a coherent and compelling way is vital to success in the real world, and it’s our job as educators to prepare our students to share their ideas in effective ways.

We used to do this with papers, posters and dioramas, but digital tools at our disposal now allow students to create authentic stories that allow for audience interaction and a wider impact on the world. Here are some tips for transforming storytelling assignments in your classroom, no matter what subject or grade level you teach. What is Digital Storytelling? Digital storytelling uses video, audio, social media, blogging and other tools to convey ideas and information effectively. Tips for Using iPads in the Classroom. While for some teachers, iPads in the classroom are already a familiar part of everyday life, as of Pearson’s 2014 Student Mobile Device Survey, only 16% of students attended schools that provide tablets 1:1. For all the news stories and chatter in the educational industry about using iPads in education, many teachers haven’t gotten a good look at just what the technology can do for their students.

30 of our best Book Creator tips. Eanesisd. Mrs.Wideen's Blog. Guided Reading Choice Board - 1:1 Classroom. With second quarter in full swing, and a new reading/language arts curriculum, I am excited to update my post from March on Guided Reading in a 1:1 classroom. Back to School Selfie Adventure for Your Students! Part of the Effective Technology Integration tips category! Zig Zagging - Through Education & Technology. My Paperless Classroom Journey: Notability for Teachers.

Analyzing iPad Myths in Education. 10 Ideas for Creating Literacy Centers with Technology – From Beth on Edudemic. EdTechTeacher’s Beth Holland co-led the Teaching the Elementary Grades workshops this summer as well as a variety of iPad workshops. As a result of those sessions, she has started working on the concept of leveraging iPads, Interactive White Boards, and other mobile technologies to create Centers of Learning. The iPad as a Tool for Creation to Strengthen Learning.

By Justin Reich Imagine walking up to a stream.