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Dominion Deck Builder | Share, discuss and rate Dominion card combinations.


The Great Games of Sid Sackson. The Interactive Way To Go. Cardboard box building howto. Karim Chakroun FranceBesançonFranche-Comté In two of the projects I described on BGG I made pdfs for self-made boxes. Puerto Rico redesignMagic Realm redesign but by geekchat I realized that a step by step how to was needed, this is what I will try to do here. I'll also try to improve it in answer to the questions that will come up. NOTES: --most of the time 1mm thick cardboard will do. When you cut the corners, cut a little more on each side (as much as the thickness of your cardboard)------------------ the cutout bottom and lid parts------------------ (skip this part if your paper is ≤ 1 mm thick)to fold the cardboard you need to remove material from the back of the fold. to do this you can make two cuts at a 45° angle to make a groove mark strongly the fold with a bone folder, or the round point of a blunt knife------------------ The finished fold grooves------------------ glue only the front (or bottom)------------------ Repeat for the box lid------------------ any questions?

Dominion: Set-Generator.