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How to Cite Social Media in APA Style (Twitter, Facebook, and Google+) By Chelsea Lee Thanks to developments in technology and feedback from our users, the APA Style team has updated the formats for citing social media, including content from Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. These guidelines are the same as you’ll find in our APA Style Guide to Electronic References, Sixth Edition (available in PDF and Kindle formats).

There are three main ways to cite social media content in an APA Style paper: generally with a URL,as a personal communication, andwith a typical APA Style in-text citation and reference list entry. We'll look at each of these along with examples. General Mentions With a URL If you discuss any website or page in general in a paper (including but not limited to social media), it is sufficient to give the URL in the text the first time it is mentioned. Personal Communications In-Text Citations and Reference List Entries Author First, provide either an individual author’s real last name and initials in inverted format (Author, A.

Date Title Source. APA Wizard Form 6th Ed. Google. Using Microsoft Word 2010 to create a bibliography or works cited page. - APA Reference Generator. APA Interactive - OWLL - Massey University. APA Interactive creates customised examples of APA references and in-text citations. The tool will not work without CSS and JavaScript. Author The person who wrote the bookchapterarticleweb pagereport. Format The author's surname comes first, followed by a comma and the initials of the author's first name(s). Do not include titles (e.g. Where is it? On the cover of the book, or on the title page.At the start of the chapter, near the title, or in the book's table of contents.At the start of the article, near the title, or in the journal's table of contents.Near the title, at the bottom of the web page (as part of a copyright notice), or on the website's About page.As a byline at the start or end of the article.As a byline at the start or end of the report.

More information Author Two authors The people who wrote the bookchapterarticleweb pagereport. Both authors are written surname first, followed by a comma and the initials of the author's first name(s). 2+ authors Three to seven authors ‘n.d.’ Year.