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Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, By the Month. Wise Bread Picks Every blogger who writes about saving money, eating healthy or just plain cooking tasty meals tells their readers to choose fruits and vegetables that are in season. I've had just one problem: I don't know what's 'in season.' I vaguely know that apples are harvested in the fall, and I know that my third grade class picked pumpkins the week before Halloween. Beyond that, though, I'm at a loss. (See also: How to Choose Fruits & Vegetables) I've been searching for a simple page that I could add to my shopping list or something equally convenient. January February March April May June July August September October November December How Is This List Helpful?

Knowing which fruits and vegetables are in season gives you a clue as to what produce is likely to be on sale at given times in the year. Bananas, potatoes, and celery seem to always be in season. If you want to go all out on saving money on your food, having an idea of what's in season tells you when to buy produce. Beyond Spinach – Tasty Greens For Your Green Smoothie. Spinach is the most common green used in smoothies because it is universally liked, has a mild flavor, a soft texture and is easy to blend.

The flavor of spinach is easy to mask with fruit. Spinach is a powerhouse of nutrients, but it is not the only green that you can use in your green smoothie. In fact, it is better to vary your greens so that you can benefit from the slightly different nutrient profiles from different leafy greens. Variety is the key to proper nutrition, especially if you are on a vegan or raw foods diet. I recommend that you use 2 cups of raw, chopped greens per smoothie for beginners. The nutrition profiles below are for one cup. As always, I highly recommend purchasing organic produce whenever necessary. Here are some other leafy greens to consider adding to your green smoothies: Swiss Chard Swiss chard is a great spinach alternative as it has a similarly delicate flavor and softer leaves that blend well in most blenders.

Collard Greens Parsley Dandelion Greens Kale. Best Green Smoothie Recipes | Green Smoothies. Please enjoy ten of the best green smoothie recipes which were shared on our Facebook group in June. Number 8 won a copy of Green for Life and an ‘I love Green Smoothies’ bumper sticker. Feel free to join the group and share your own green smoothies recipes, advice and questions. We are noticing that many people are helping each other with health concerns and sharing some interesting links. It’s such a pleasure to watch this community grow. Show your a part of the Green Smoothie Revolution here. 1 – Jan Jenson I had a quart of green smoothie for breakfast… STILL not hungry (9 p.m.)! 2 – Brenda Rubino Mcfarlin Hello everyone! 3 – Lorelie Montgomery My daughter and I did a green smoothie demo at our local grocery store here in College Place, WA. 1/2 Banana, 1/2 Apple, 1 slice Pineapple, 1/2 Orange, 3 dates 2 Tb Flax seeds , 1 TB Dulse, 1 lemon slice, 1 Cup mixed berries, 1/2 C.

I drink 5-6 cups of that every day. 4 – Shelli Lou P 5 – Rich Lysloff 6 – Barbara Kuppers 7 – Joanne Ang blended 1 tsp. Al Kavadlo.