CTC Global
CTC Global develop, certify and deploy advanced technologies that electric utilities could use to improve the efficiency, capacity, reliability and resiliency of the electric power grid, worldwide.
CTC Blogs. Advancement of Conductor Technology - ACCC InfoCore™ System. The ACCC InfoCore™ System reduces real-world conductor installation risk experienced by utilities, contractors and lineman across the globe.
These dedicated professionals know that even with the best tools, equipment and field conditions, accidents can happen. By using a proprietary infrared light system, special fibers in the core, and a robust data-capture and recording methodology, the ACCC InfoCore™ System can confirm the integrity of the conductor in minutes. While not mandatory, this capability serves to improve reliability and confidence.
The system is capable of confirming very long continuous spans and is currently being utilized globally. Advancement of Conductor Technology - ACCC InfoCore™ System. CTC Global Continues to Operate Safely During the COVID-19 Outbreak. Advancement of Conductor Technology - ACCC InfoCore™ System. First Commercial ACCC® Conductor Installation Completed in South Korea. Vietnam Electricity – Ho Chi Minh, Completes ACCC Conductor Installation in Vietnam. Transmission Line Capacity, Efficiency, and Reliability are highly important.
Following the Western Energy Crisis of 2000 and the Major East Coast Blackout of 2003, a group of engineers in California got together to design a new type of bare overhead conductor that could carry twice the current of a conventional conductor without exhibiting excessive conductor sag. The team essentially replaced steel core strands, used to strengthen most types of overhead conductors, with a composite core made up of high-strength carbon and glass fibers. The composite core offered a coefficient of thermal expansion nearly ten times less than steel. This allowed the ‘new’ conductor to carry very high levels of current during peak load and/or emergency conditions without sagging into underbuilt lines, trees or other structures.
To date, the new conductor has been deployed to more than 430 projects in 40 countries, primarily to increase the transmission lines capacity of the existing lines. Increasing line capacity offers several advantages. Power Grid Company Bangladesh - Completes ACCC Reconductor Project. CTC Global Continues to Operate Safely During the COVID-19 Outbreak. Advancement of Conductor Technology - ACCC InfoCore™ System.
CTC Global wins patent infringement suit against Mercury Cable & Energy. CTC Global Corporation won its patent infringement suit against Mercury Cable & Energy, and related individuals and entities (“Mercury”).
The lawsuit was initially filed on March 3, 2009 in the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN DIVISION (case number SACV 09-cv-00261 DOC-E). The Court entered judgment that Mercury infringed CTC’s U.S. Patent No. 7,368,162 and U.S. Patent No. 7,211,319 by making, selling, offering to sell, importing, supplying components or substantial portions of components for, or testing HVCRC (a composite carbon core-based high voltage conductor), or causing others to make, sell, offer to sell, import, supply components or substantial portions of components for, or test HVCRC.
Further, the judgment confirmed that CTC Global’s U.S. In addition, a permanent injunction was entered by the U.S. J.D. Mr. How important is it to reduce Carbon Footprint? Role of CTC Global in this. According to the U.S.
Energy Information Administration, greenhouse gases are the gases that keep heat in the earth’s atmosphere. Although these gases do occur naturally, still the human activities has contributed a lot in greenhouse gas emissions. It is very important for us to understand that the rise in carbon dioxide level because of human activities and energy consumption right from the time when industrial revolution started has now become the major cause behind overall warming of the planet that is having impacts around the globe. Using and wasting electricity, driving vehicles and industrial work are a few common activities due to which the hazardous gases are emitted.
Burning of fuel is dangerous in many ways as it not only generates carbon dioxide, but also several other air pollutants that are really harmful to human health. Power Grid Company Bangladesh - Completes ACCC Reconductor Project. Advancement of Conductor Technology - ACCC InfoCore™ System. CTC Global wins patent infringement suit against Mercury Cable & Energy. Transmission Line Capacity, Efficiency, and Reliability are highly important.
ACCC Composite Core production in Indonesia announced by CTC Global. In November of 2017, CTC Global announced the opening of a new ACCC Conductor composite core production facility in Indonesia under a joint venture agreement with PT Dinamika Elektra.
PT Composite Core Indonesia (CCI), as it’s known, is an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certified facility located in Bekasi, Jawa Barat, just outside of Jakarta. The facility was established to accelerate the adoption of ACCC conductors and the growth of the high-performance conductor industry in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. CCI’s board recently approved plans to expand the CCI production facility. John Mansfield, CCI’s President Director stated: “Strength in the regional demand for ACCC Conductors, continued execution by PLN of its major electrification mandate, and solid support from CTC’s authorized manufacturing partners are driving the need for more production capacity in the region. The CCI expansion is expected to come on line later this year. Advancement of Conductor Technology - ACCC InfoCore™ System. How important is it to reduce Carbon Footprint? Role of CTC Global in this. Transmission Line Capacity, Efficiency, and Reliability are highly important. CTC Global Continues to Operate Safely During the COVID-19 Outbreak.
Advancement of Conductor Technology - ACCC InfoCore™ System. High-Capacity, Low-Sag ACCC conductors outperform other conductors. High-Capacity, Low-Sag ACCC conductors outperform other High-Temperature rated conductors Though ACSR (Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced) conductor is the most widely used conductor, worldwide, the need for a greater capacity conductor was realized in the late 1970’s.
The introduction of ACSS (Aluminum Conductor Steel Supported) conductor offered increased capacity over ACSR due to its ability to operate at temperatures as high as 250°C. This ability was created by simply pre-annealing the conductive aluminum strands in the factory. Fully annealed aluminum offers electrical resistance of ~63% IACS (International Annealed Copper Standard), while non-annealed aluminum offers electrical resistance of a slightly lower 61% IACS.
If an ACSR conductor is operated at temperatures above 93°C, it’s aluminum will become annealed over time and it will essentially turn itself into an ACSS conductor during service. Increased strength, greatly reduced thermal sag, lowest cost solution. ACCC Composite Core production in Indonesia announced by CTC Global. Transmission Line Efficiency, Capacity and Reliability. This article discusses the importance of transmission line efficiency and explains how replacing conventional ACSR conductor with CTC Global’s ACCC conductor is less expensive than switching incandescent light bulbs to modern LED light bulbs. Following the Western Energy Crisis of 2000 and the Major East Coast Blackout of 2003, a group of engineers at CTC Global in California got together to design a new type of bare overhead conductor that could carry twice the current of a conventional conductor without exhibiting excessive conductor sag, while improving transmission line efficiency. The team essentially replaced steel core strands, used to strengthen most types of overhead conductors, with a composite core made up of high-strength carbon and glass fibers.
The composite core offered a coefficient of thermal expansion nearly ten times less than steel. Increasing line capacity offers several advantages. PLN Completes 500 kV Quad Bundled ACCC® Conductor Installation in West Java. ACCC Composite Core production in Indonesia announced by CTC Global. Transmission Line Capacity, Efficiency, and Reliability are highly important. SA Power Networks Completes 2nd ACCC® Conductor Installation in Australia. CTC Global is pleased to report that SA Power Networks successfully completed their second ACCC® Conductor installation last month in Adelaide, Australia.
The new 6.5 kilometer 66 kV “Goolwa to Middleton” line utilized Helsinki size ACCC Conductor mounted on steel monopoles replaced an older line where corrosion had taken its toll. The lines, which were moved to a new position are made from ACCC Conductor which has greater strength, less sag and is better suited to harsh coastal conditions with the bonus of needing fewer poles to carry the weight. In the next ten years, SA Power Networks plans to build a new substation at Middleton to meet the growing power demand in the area and have coordinated current maintenance with future plans to keep costs and impacts for electricity customers as low as possible.
The work was done before the busy summer tourist season to minimize any disruption to holiday plans. The average span was approximately 300 meters with the longest span at 424 meters. PLN Completes 500 kV Quad Bundled ACCC® Conductor Installation in West Java. Transmission Line Efficiency, Capacity and Reliability. CTC Global Continues to Operate Safely and Responsibly During the COVID-19 Outbreak. Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Completes 132 kV ACCC Reconductor Project. In Another Major Advancement of Conductor Technology, CTC Global has launched the ACCC InfoCore™ System. CTC Global Participates at the Annual NASEO & NARUC Meetings in Washington DC. CTC Global Participates at ERCOT Market Summit. CTC Global was a sponsor and panel participant at the ERCOT Market Summit, February 25-27 in Austin, Texas.
David Townley, Director of Public Policy for CTC Global, also served as a moderator for DEALING WITH THE IMPACTS OF TRANSMISSION CONGESTION panel. The excellent panelists engaged in a lively discussion representing the perspectives of the transmission providers and the renewable energy developer/owner/operators regarding the impact of increasing transmission constraints (and generation curtailments). A consensus of the panelists was that while many thing are extraordinary in the ERCOT market, transmission planning might be “broken.” Later in the Summit, David served as a panelist in the EXPANDING TRANSMISSION CAPACITY: PROSPECTS FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY panel. Jordan National Electric Power Corporation Completes 132 kV ACCC® Upgrade.
Sterlite Power Completes 400 kV ACCC® Ganga River Crossing. High-Capacity, Low-Sag ACCC conductors outperform other conductors. PLN Completes 500 kV Quad Bundled ACCC® Conductor Installation in West Java. Transmission Line Efficiency, Capacity and Reliability. ACCC Composite Core production in Indonesia announced by CTC Global. How the use of ACCC® Conductor is helping combat climate change. Between 2005 and 2010, the newly introduced ACCC® Conductor was used to increase the capacity of 3,500 circuit kilometers of transmission lines in a handful of countries.
Today, over 27,000 circuit kilometers of ACCC Conductor are in service in 51 countries (as of 12/2019). While the ACCC Conductor was initially deployed to increase the capacity of existing transmission lines to alleviate congestion, mitigate sag clearance violations, accommodate load growth and enable the integration of renewables, its improved conductivity is also reducing electrical line losses which serves to reduce fuel consumption and associated CO2 emissions— subsequently helping combat climate change. To put this in perspective, consider the cost of purchasing 600,000 electric cars. Assuming they were powered by 100% renewable energy and the cost per vehicle was $30,000 dollars, that would represent an $18 billion dollar investment.
Transmission Line Capacity, Efficiency, and Reliability are highly important. Improve Grid performance with these 3 Technologies from CTC Global. When it comes to improving the performance of the grid, CTC Global has already exceeded the expectations of its client and customers by providing them with the most reliable, efficient and resilient conductors – ACCC® Conductor.
These conductors are based on advanced composite technology which was earlier developed for aerospace and other highly demanding applications where providing enhanced performance and durability of the products are highly important. When it comes to CTC Global technology, it holds a large number of U.S. and other international patents that mainly includes these four major technologies: ACCC® ConductorACCC® AZR ConductorACCC® Composite CoreACCC® Conductor Hardware The technical team at CTC Global has continuously worked towards raising the performance bar and has provided its customers with the most innovative, advanced and cost-effective overhead conductor solutions available in the market today.
MPPTCL completes 1st ACCC® Conductor Installation in the Heart of India. MPPTCL recently completed their 220 kV 6.4 kilometer double circuit Interconnector line between the 400 kV Itarasi substation and the 220 kV Itarasi substation in Madhya, Pradesh, India.
MPPTCL selected Drake size ACCC Conductor manufactured by APAR Industries, Ltd. to double the capacity of the existing corridor without the need to modify or replace the existing steel lattice structures. In addition to providing the ACCC Conductor, APAR also provided engineering and installation services. Span lengths were approximately 350 meters which included several 11, 33, 69 and 400 kV line crossings. Sicame provided hardware. MPPTCL received the 2018 CBIP Award for Best Performing Power Transmission Utility in India and CTC Global is very proud to support their most recent success. Transmission Line Capacity, Efficiency, and Reliability are highly important. How the use of ACCC® Conductor is helping combat climate change. ACCC Composite Core production in Indonesia announced by CTC Global. Tenaga Nasional Berhad Begins ACCC® Line Upgrade in Johor, Malaysia. With engineering and construction support from Zafas Sdn Bhd, Tenaga Nasional Berhad began their double circuit Senibong – Plentong uprating project using double-bundled Lisbon size ACCC® Conductor to replace double bundled ACSR Batang conductor.
The use of ACCC Conductor will allow TNB to increase the double circuit line capacity from 600 to 1,000 MVA without replacing or modifying any of the 35 existing steel lattice structures first installed over 25 years ago. The upgraded line operating at 230 kV is linked to a submarine cable at the Senibong substation where it ties into the Singapore electric power grid. The line is being upgraded to accommodate growing demand for electricity in Singapore. ACCC Conductor for the project was supplied by Tenaga Cable Industries Sdn Bhd (TCI) and hardware was provided by Dervaux.
The 9.2 km double circuit project includes two major highway crossings. Tenaga Nasional Berhad Begins ACCC® Line Upgrade in Johor, Malaysia. Transmission Line Efficiency, Capacity and Reliability. PLN Completes 500 kV Quad Bundled ACCC® Conductor Installation in West Java. SA Power Networks Completes 2nd ACCC® Conductor Installation in Australia. Power line efficiency matters. When the term “efficiency” is used, it is generally considered to be an important aspect of consumer products.
A higher performing product may come at a cost premium, but it is generally recognized that it will last longer, use less fuel or offer some other important advantages that will pay dividends over time. In the world of power line wires (“overhead conductors”), the same arguments hold true. Efficiency matters. Today, as we are scrambling to increase the capacity of our grid to serve growing demand and connect with the least expensive (and/or cleanest) source of generation, we may be overlooking an opportunity to improve grid efficiency as well.
Not surprisingly, this is a very good idea and the right time to act. Here is an example from a company in the US: In 2014, American Electric Power (AEP) needed to increase the capacity of two parallel 120 miles 345 kV lines near the Gulf of Mexico to accommodate growing demand. How important is it to reduce Carbon Footprint? Role of CTC Global in this. ACCC® AZR™ Conductor selected for project in the Netherlands. Several months ago, CTC Global introduced the ACCC AZR™ Conductor which uses an aluminum zirconium alloy to augment overall conductor strength and modulus to help fight extreme ice and wind loads. TenneT Netherlands selected ACCC AZR™ for the new product’s initial deployment in Europe, for their reconductor project in the Netherlands.. The Delesto combined heat and power plant and the Eneco bio-energy plant are located in Delfzijl, Netherlands.
These power stations are connected to the Delfzijl Weiwerd high-voltage substation and from this high-voltage substation, 110 and 220 kV connections transport and distribute the power, which include the Groningen Hunze high-voltage substation. This connection is important for the energy supply of the city of Groningen, as the region is generating more and more sustainable electricity. How the use of ACCC® Conductor is helping combat climate change. Discussion of Aluminum Encapsulated Carbon Fiber Composite Cores. Background: National Grid Corporation completes ACCC Conductor Upgrade in Vietnam. ETESA Completes 2nd ACCC Conductor Installation in Panama.
With the support of EPC firm Elecnor Group, ETESA completed the installation of 85.23 circuit kilometers of 714 kcmil Dove size ACCC Conductor to replace forty-six year old 750 kcmil ACAR conductor on their Mata de Nance to Veladero line near David City, Panama. The project included a 38 kilometer section of suspension towers with no dead-end structures, requiring a strategic stringing plan provided by CTC Global’s Master Installers, Sergio Rojas and Ismael Dones.
Power line efficiency matters. CTC Global congratulates SCE&G on their SEE Award win. How important is it to reduce Carbon Footprint? Role of CTC Global in this. Transmission Line Efficiency, Capacity and Reliability. How the use of ACCC® Conductor is helping combat climate change. How important is it to reduce Carbon Footprint? Role of CTC Global in this. Transmission Line Efficiency, Capacity and Reliability. Improve Grid performance with these 3 Technologies from CTC Global. MPPTCL completes 1st ACCC® Conductor Installation in the Heart of India. National Grid Corporation completes ACCC Conductor Upgrade in Vietnam. Power line efficiency matters. ACCC Composite Core production in Indonesia announced by CTC Global. PGCB Completes 1st New “Greenfield” ACCC® Conductor Project. National Grid Corporation completes ACCC Conductor Upgrade in Vietnam. ACCC Composite Core production in Indonesia announced by CTC Global. ACCC Composite Core production in Indonesia announced by CTC Global.
National Grid Corporation completes ACCC Conductor Upgrade in Vietnam. How the use of ACCC® Conductor is helping combat climate change. ETESA Completes 2nd 230 kV ACCC Conductor Installation in Panama. CTC Global Congratulates South Carolina Electric & Gas for Winning the 2019 SEE Transmission Line Category Award.
How important is it to reduce Carbon Footprint? Role of CTC Global in this. 1st ACCC® Conductor Installation in East London, South Africa. With the support of Eya Bantu Consulting Engineers and Contractor Siyavuya Power Projects, Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality completed their 11 kilometer ACCC® Conductor line upgrade on August 4th. Using 350 kcmil ACCC Zadar size conductor, supplied by Midal Cables, to replace the existing ACSR Chickadee conductor allowed BCMM to double the capacity of their existing 132 kV circuit to serve the rural community of East London, South Africa.
The challenging project traversed hilly terrain where existing lattice structures were reused without modification. Hardware for the project was supplied by Preformed Line Products. CTC Global’s Master Installer, Wynand De Lange provided training for approximately 40 linemen who did an outstanding job during the eight-week project time frame. A special thanks go to SPP’s team supervisors Morne & Uzzi for their outstanding leadership and professionalism. ACCC® Conductor & The Value of Grid Resilience.
The ACCC® Conductor Composite Core has survived a tornado strike, wild fire, direct rifle shot, and crane strike; All real-world examples of proven resiliency. PGCB Completes 1st New “Greenfield” ACCC® Conductor Project. ACCC® Conductor Presented At Leitungsbau Switzerland. The annual Leitungsbau event held at EKZ Dietikon presents the Swiss TSO and DSO community with the opportunity to share experiences on network developments through a series of presentations and associated Q&As. Whilst operating a separate network with its own generation, SBB (the Swiss Railway) also operates a significant network at different voltages and frequencies.
The Swiss population is especially sensitive to any network developments, particularly overhead lines, and EMF emission levels are the lowest in Europe. CTC Global Attends and Supports Annual NARUC Conference. CTC Global sponsored and attended the 2019 National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas November 17-20.
The Annual Meeting and Education Conference convened state and national utility regulators, federal and state policymakers, industry representatives, consumer advocates, informed experts, and other engaged stakeholders. During the four-day conference, general and parallel session panel discussion covered a range of issues across the energy sector. ETESA Completes 2nd 230 kV ACCC Conductor Installation in Panama. TenneT Netherlands Selects ACCC® AZR™ Conductor with "Z" Strands for Reconductor Project in the Netherlands. EPRI Successfully Completes Test of ACCC Conductor and Hardware. For those of you that are interested, but didn’t see this sooner, EPRI completed their 1,500 thermo-mechanical cycle test of CTC Global’s ACCC® Conductor along with Burndy and AFL dead-ends and splices in early 2017. The test protocol, designed to represent 30+ years of service, was completed successfully at 180 degrees C.
Each cycle lasted for approximately 5 hours. In collaboration with CTC Global, EPRI was able to utilize improved controls to complete the test successfully. Engineering Transmission Lines with High Capacity Low Sag ACCC® Conductors. ACCC® Conductor & The Value of Grid Resilience. ACCC Conductor Technology - Selected by TenneT Netherlands. Naturgy Completes ACCC Conductor Installation in Spain. Efficiency Matters. Line Loss, Climate Change, and The ACCC® Conductor.
ACCC® Conductor & The Value of Grid Resilience. National Grid Corporation completes ACCC Conductor Upgrade in Vietnam.