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79 Reasons Why Kids Need to Study Drama At High School | 79 Reasons Kids Need to Study Drama At High School. Overview: I am a beginning teacher in the field of drama education. I realise that what I am about to say is rather radical, however please bear with me. You see, I believe that theatre as an art form is a somewhat ‘dead’ medium, overtaken by the digital age. In spite of this, the elements so integral to performance continue to live strong.

Connection, stories, communication and expression are things that humans all desire. Drama is a dynamic practice that introduces students to a world of wonder and play. My Background: I studied acting techniques, improvisation, mime & movement, performance, voice & communication skills for eight years from the age of seven outside of school and all through my schooling years. Let’s Get Started: I have written this online companion to help you discover why drama is the best subject to study ever. *NB: these reasons are in no particular order and for some I have provided more detailed explanations to elaborate particular points. Like this: Like Loading... Drama.