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Facebook Twitter Kit scaffolding. All headers from h1 to h6 are available. h3 Header h4 Header h5 Header h6 Header <h1>h1. Header 1<h1><h2>h2. Text elements You can use tags i or b, but they often use for icons or other stuff, so it is better to avoid them. StrongItalicSmall text Paragraph text <strong>Strong</strong><em>Italic</em><small>Small text</small>This is<abbr title="Abbr">Abbr</abbr><p>Paragraph text</p> Code Use it if you have any code you want to show to user.

Address If you want to separate parts of an address, use several address tags. <address> <strong>Vetrenko Maxim</strong> <div>Gagaryinskiy 27 <br/>Moscow <br/> <abbr title="Cell phone">p:</abbr> <span>+7 960 628 6999</span> </div></address><address> <strong>Email</strong> <div> <a></a> </div></address> Blockquotes Quoted blocks used when you have some text cited from another source. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <blockquote> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Marked lists Numbered lists Descriptions. Workless - A classy HTML5, CSS3 framework. Profound Grid | A grid system for fixed and fluid layouts. Gallery of free HTML snippets for Twitter Bootstrap. |

34 Responsive Grid System. 960 Grid System. Proto: Rapid Prototyping for Responsive Web Design. Getting started Proto uses a combination of HTML and compiled SCSS to create your prototypes. If you're new to SCSS there's a quick guide for you to follow below. If you've worked with it before keep going. SCSS 101: The quick guide. At the top of the proto.scss file, you'll find the Proto variables. // Proto vars// Be sure to inlclude appropriate units i.e. Proto comes with these variables predefined, but feel free to change any of the values to match your own requirements.

The 'block' class The single most important part of Proto is the .block class. <! Any 'containing' element you create - header,section,article,footer,div etc - should have the .block class applied it. The 'center' class Apply this class to a block to center it within its parent. <! The 'grid' class Grids are a cinch. <! Nesting grids Grids can be nested as far down as you'd like allowing the creation of intricate layouts. <! Hide or show? <! The 'demo' class <! <! The '-to-' class <! CSS Hórus | CSS Framework for responsive and mobile websites. Recent 'Thumbnail' screenshots. Gumby 960 Grid Responsive CSS Framework.