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Visible Light Communication

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Philips LED: Cool, But It's No iBeacon Competitor. Philips is testing a beacon solution in Düsseldorf that uses LED lights to help shoppers find their way through the store.

Philips LED: Cool, But It's No iBeacon Competitor

The system acts much the same as a Bluetooth LE powered beacon (or iBeacon – Apple’s version of the same thing). While the company has made clear that it’s only demonstrating the technology and hasn’t made plans for a commercial roll-out, pundits are nonetheless headlining the news as a competitive dust-up. “Philips takes on Apple’s iBeacon” proclaims The Verge: The connected lighting system is Philips’ answer to a slew of emerging tools that allow retailers to interact with shoppers’ smartphones as they walk throughout a store. Most of these options — including the most prominent one, Apple’s iBeacon — rely on lightweight transceivers located in and around shopping displays to ping shoppers with deals and highlights when they move nearby.

How to Install the Lumination IS Series LED Luminaire. PureLiFi™ Home » pureLiFi™ 5G Optical Wireless Communication. Axrtek is the pioneer in commercializing Li-Fi visible light communication (VLC) solutions.

5G Optical Wireless Communication

For the last five years, Axrtek has developed leading light emitting diode (LED) technology for high-speed wireless data transmission and Li-Fi infrastructure solutions that open infinite possibilities. We produce Li-Fi based context-aware application systems for transmitting data to mobile devices based on users' precise indoor location. Based in Silicon Valley, Axrtek is at the forefront of researching and developing the next generations of LED and VLC technologies. We are currently developing and releasing the LightFive Lucid product line specifically for location-based service applications. How_it_works-1ee62918322ee289a0c7d315b2554cd0.jpg (JPEG Image, 1000 × 577 pixels)

Location Based Services.