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Mídia Programática

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Wakeup DSP. Introduction to SSP DSP & Ad Exchange. DSP – Demand Side Platform A demand-side platform concept originated in Europe is a software used to purchase advertising in an automated fashion.

Introduction to SSP DSP & Ad Exchange

DSPs are mostly used by the advertisers and agencies which enables them to buy display, video, mobile and search ads. Demand side platforms facilitates buyers with direct Real Time Bidding access across multiple sources of inventory.DSPs are directed at advertisers.It enables the buyers to get access to more publishers and then choose the best as per their requirement. Earlier the common practice in advertising involved digital ads being bought and sold by human ad buyers and salespeople, which were costly and unreliable.

DSPs made the process cheaper and more efficient by making it automated and reduced the needs of human intervention. DSPs enables advertisers to purchase impressions across a range of publisher sites, but targeted to specific users based on information such as their location and their previous browsing behavior. Entenda termos como RTB, DSP, SSP e AdNetworks. Por DÉBORA YURI A tal da “sopa de letrinhas” invadiu o mercado brasileiro e deixou muita gente confusa.

Entenda termos como RTB, DSP, SSP e AdNetworks

Termos como RTB, DSP e DMP pipocam em todas as conversas – mas o que significam? “São muitas letras nessa sopa, há diversos players no mercado e o ecossistema de mídia display hoje é imenso. Por isso, o assunto compra de mídia programática ainda pega o pessoal desprevenido”, diz Marcelo Sant’Iago, vice-presidente de desenvolvimento de negócios da Sapinetnitro, que criou uma versão brasileira do famoso Lumascape norte-americano. “Você olha tudo aquilo e entra em pânico”, brinca Sant’Iago. Para Julien Turri, CEO da Hi-Mídia, a imagem mostra só o início de uma revolução que vai acontecer no Brasil. É aí que entram na receita do caldo siglas como DPS e SSP, plataformas que se conectam para efetuar o RTB – real-time bidding, ou compra em tempo real (veja, abaixo, um “ABC da sopa de letrinhas”). O dicionário da sopa DSP (demand-side plataform): Plataforma que auxilia o comprador.

O que é Mídia Programática, RTB, DSP, SSP, Ad Exchanges, etc? O mercado de publicidade mundial tem evoluído rapidamente com o crescimento de tecnologias e ferramentas de automação para compra e otimização de anúncios online.

O que é Mídia Programática, RTB, DSP, SSP, Ad Exchanges, etc?

Este artigo tem como objetivo explicar os princípios básicos de Mídia Programática, que é o processo automatizado de compra e venda de mídia em grande escala realizado através de combinações de operações baseadas em máquinas, dados e algoritmos. Um dos recursos da mídia programática é o RTB (Real Time Bidding). O RTB é um leilão de espaço publicitário na internet, onde os anunciantes configuram o quanto eles estão dispostos a pagar por um inventário e os donos de sites (Publishers) escolhem o por quanto querem vender os espaços publicitários de seus respectivos sites, toda essa transação acontece em menos de 100 MILESEGUNDOS (sim, é muito rápido!) DataXu, Inc. MediaMath. Invite Media - Next generation platform for display media trading.

Difference between DSP and Ad Exchange. Key difference: DSP stands for demand-side platform.

Difference between DSP and Ad Exchange

It is a buyer’s side platform. It allows digital advertising buyers to manage multiple ad exchange and data exchange accounts through one interface. An ad exchange is a technology platform that allows publishers and advertisers to connect. The ad exchange facilitates bidding on online media advertising inventory from multiple ad networks. It helps advertisers and publishers to manage and monitor ad campaigns in a multitude of formats and across thousands of websites. DSP stands for demand-side platform. Using a single interface has a distinct advantage. DSPs let the marketers choose audience characteristics. Furthermore, the digital advertisers bid in real-time in the ad exchanges, while the marketers can manage their bids for the ads.

Ad exchanges as the name suggest are somewhat similar to stock exchanges. Currently the most well known ad exchange is Google acquired DoubleClick. A Tour of Online Display Advertising; DSP, DMP, RTB, Ad Exchanges - NuSpark Marketing. Ever wonder how a banner ad finds you?

A Tour of Online Display Advertising; DSP, DMP, RTB, Ad Exchanges - NuSpark Marketing

Nowadays, exposure to banner ads continues to be rising. With Facebook getting into the exchange business, it’s time to briefly review the display industry, focusing on demand side platforms, and how those ads appear on the websites you read. By digging deep into the publisher-to-audience ad serving cycle, it’s amazing how many technologies exist with the goal to serve those banner ads to audiences most likely to be interested in your message, and capture the almighty click. Imagine- all of this serving and big data technology; in business to target messaging accurately as possible, and to increase that CTR from .02% to .04% and higher. The low CTR of banner ads should never be the only measure of online display effectiveness.

My friends at WPP put together this nice diagram of how display works. Let’s talk about DSPs. Real-time bidding (RTB) is a digital ad buying process that allows advertisers to evaluate and bid on individual impressions.