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Resources. How to Describe Your Character's Eye Color. How to Describe Eyes (An updated version of this 2K-word article is reproduced in my 15K-word book How to Describe Eyes and Faces. See below.) [First, my profound apologies to the vast majority of readers who don't steal content, but I have to state the following. This article and all content on this website belongs to Val Kovalin, copyright ©, except where noted.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission from Val Kovalin is strictly prohibited. Even though I recommend "less is more" with physical description in fiction, I love descriptions of characters' eyes: eye-color and other attributes. Go to the Eye Color List (separate page) Go to the Eye-Color Images (further down on this page) Note on Clichés: Be cautious about using the first descriptive words that jump to mind because they're probably clichés. How to Write a Good Description. The Eye-Color Images. What do you actually see in the first blue eye? Dancing Eyes (cliché). Arts - Books Index Page. Novelspot | If books were people, they'd mingle at Novelspo. AutoCrit: Fiction Analyzer - Improve Your Writing. Get Published. Novel in 90 days. 90 days. 67,500 words. No excuses.

A novel in 90. The purpose of this community is to help the members complete a novel-length manuscript in a reasonable time, under real-life conditions. It doesn't matter if you work on a project you've already started. It doesn't matter if you start something new. The goal is, every day for 90 days, you write three manuscript pages of your work in progress. 750 words. A reasonable rate of progress for a professional writer. During that time, you may work on other projects. The idea is to get a taste of what working to a deadline is like, and discover how fast steady work does, in fact, add up.

We'll do a daily roundup post, in which people can list their progess for the day. Because I am not your mother, you are expected to report for mocking at the end of the week if you haven't met your goals. Hatch's Plot Bank. Forward Motion for Writers. Ten Things to Help With Novel Plotting. Every writer has different plotting methods. I use templates. Holly Lisle uses notecards. Not every writer plots, either -- John Grisham does, Stephen King doesn't. Strangest plotting method I've ever heard: One of my former students used an erasable marker on the tile wall in his bathroom. There is no single right way to plot, so it's best to research different methods, try them out, and keep what works for you.

Ten Things to Help With Novel Plotting 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. *I haven't updated the copyright note at the bottom of this, but my plotting templates are free for anyone's personal use or non-profit distribution. » Dark Room. Dark Room is a full screen, distraction free, writing environment. Unlike standard word processors that focus on features, Dark Room is just about you and your text.

Basically, Dark Room is a clone of the original WriteRoom that is an OS X (tiger) exclusive application. It is a child of necessity, as there were no viable alternatives in Windows to produce the same behavior. Sure, you can kind of emulate the behavior by jumping through a bunch of hoops in Word/Writer, but it isn’t the same. Also, you can do something similar in emacs, but who wants to learn a bunch of obscure keyboard shortcuts? The goal of the project is to capture the essence of WriteRoom, while keeping it simple and just as free. Windows XP / 2000 / 2003 .NET Framework 2.0 File Menu Clear Document: Ctrl+N Open Document: Ctrl+O Save Document: Ctrl+S Quit: Ctrl+Q Edit Menu Undo: Ctrl+Z Redo: Ctrl+Y Cut: Ctrl+X Copy: Ctrl+C Paste: Ctrl+V Select All: Ctrl+A Find: Ctrl+F Find Next: F3 Preferences: Ctrl+, View Menu Statistics: Ctrl+/

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