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Video. Social Bookmarking. Search. Facebook. Email. Twitter. Blogs. Tools. Flickr. 18 Essential Tools for Every Word-of-Mouth Marketer. Clay McDaniel is the principal and co-founder of social media marketing agency, Spring Creek Group.

18 Essential Tools for Every Word-of-Mouth Marketer

Find him via @springcreekgrp on Twitter. By now, most consumer marketers know they could be using Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and other social media platforms to boost brand recognition, engage customers, and drive sales. But getting a social media marketing program started – and keeping up with the rapid pace of change in the industry – can be daunting. The good news is that with the right technology tools, social media marketing programs can be managed at scale and can help the entire organization (not just the marketers!) Find out what customers are saying, sharing, even feeling about your brand or business.