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Italys-700-year-old-murder-mystery-of-Dantes-warlord-patron-solved.html?utm_content=buffer1aa27&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter. According to contemporary sources, he was taken ill with a high fever, vomiting and diarrhoea. At the time it was thought that the illness was the result of him having drunk from a polluted spring. But scientists have revealed in the Journal of Archaeological Science that they believe he was poisoned, probably deliberately, by means of "an infusion of leaves and flowers" from the foxglove, part of the digitalis genus of plants. "The gastrointestinal symptoms manifested by Cangrande in his last hours of life are compatible with the early phase of digitalis intoxication," the researchers wrote in this month's edition of the journal.

"The most likely hypothesis on the causes of death is that of a deliberate administration of a lethal amount of digitalis. " Cangrande's body, still wrapped in burial robes after nearly 700 years, was exhumed from a marble tomb in the Church of Santa Maria Antiqua in Verona in 2004 so that it could be examined. Cangrante's body being examined (IL GAZETTINO) The Renaissance Papal Conclave: What Did They Eat? Bartolomeo Scappi (Photo credit: Wikipedia) The last month has been a month of massive tumult for the Catholic Church. For the first time in 400 years a Pope is resigning. There have only been five Popes to resign and all of them resigned under great duress, or in the case of Gregory XII, he did it to end the Western Schism. This is the first Pope to cite “health” problems as a reason to resign and the first to revise rules regarding the convening of the Papal conclave so that it can be convened sooner than in the past (usually they have to wait 15 days).

I have a bunch of my own speculations about that, but there are a million other places that the woes of the Church can be debated. I’m here to talk about the food, specifically the food of the Renaissance papal conclave. The focus of my second novel is on Bartolomeo Scappi, who was the cuoco segreto to several Popes. What happens in a papal conclave? In medieval times some restrictions were set to help push the process along. Like this: Turning the Pages™, the British Library. Universal Leonardo: Leonardo da Vinci online › Welcome to Univer.