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Cellar Door Software - Slickr. - Transform your photos into tilt-shift style. Upload your photo and add some bling. Dumpr - fun with your photos. Slide - slideshows, slide shows, photo sharing, image hosting, w. The Orton Effect - Digital Photography Tip of the Week at PCIN.n. Image editing programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Gimp and Microsoft Digital Image Suite offer a wide range of tools that can be used to create beautiful photographs, many of those tools and the effects they crete originated in the world of film photography. One such tool effect is the Orton Effect. The Orton Effect is named after Michael Orton who first used the technique is a sandwich of two images, one in focus the other out of focus.

Freeman Patterson and Andre Gallant have both used the technique successfully in their work as well. The Orton image has traditionally been done using slide film with the first, sharp, image overexposed by two stops and the second, out of focus image, over exposed by one stop. It is important to use a tripod for this type of work to ensure your photographic elements remain in register on the film. I will be using the new Adobe Elements 5 for this tutorial and a photo of a Wake-Robin I shot this past spring.. Image 1 Image 2 Image 3. Pixoh: Edit pictures online.