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Diet & Fitness - Eat like a Greek, say heart experts , Compr. Cook's Thesaurus. Sugar more addictive than cocaine. Background Refined sugars (e.g., sucrose, fructose) were absent in the diet of most people until very recently in human history. Today overconsumption of diets rich in sugars contributes together with other factors to drive the current obesity epidemic. Overconsumption of sugar-dense foods or beverages is initially motivated by the pleasure of sweet taste and is often compared to drug addiction. Though there are many biological commonalities between sweetened diets and drugs of abuse, the addictive potential of the former relative to the latter is currently unknown. Methodology/Principal findings Here we report that when rats were allowed to choose mutually-exclusively between water sweetened with saccharin–an intense calorie-free sweetener–and intravenous cocaine–a highly addictive and harmful substance–the large majority of animals (94%) preferred the sweet taste of saccharin.

Conclusions Figures Academic Editor: Bernhard Baune, James Cook University, Australia Introduction Results. Who is Sick? Counseling Center - 52 Proven Stress Reducers. Celsius: The Great Taste of Burning Calories. 50 Weight Loss Tips. Traineo | Weight Loss Community. Free Online Fitness Tracker. The Athlete Zone. United States Running Streak Association, Inc. Online Personal Fitness - Powered By HyperStrike. - the place to get fit.

Diet Detective Investigations. Fitness has evolved. Runner's and Triathlete's Web, The Complete Running an. The 25 Golden Rules of Running - Runners World. Run—and Love It! Under Armour. Athleta. HIND. America's Running Routes. Road Runner Sports - The World's Largest Running Store! Team in Training. Some time ago, when I became interested in running longer distances, I ran across an article that gave me a great process for building stamina. The idea being, run/walk in cycles. So, run 5 minutes and walk 1 minute over and over again. I tried it, but I hated having to look down at my watch all the time. Then I came across another article that discusses using iTunes to do this for you.

You simply create a playlist and manually change the songs to stop when the next step begins. So now, I took it one step further and created a script that does this for you. Here's how to use it: Download the file.Unzip to your desktop.Add the "Ding.mp3" to iTunes.Create a playlist that you want to use.Inside the "iTunes Runners Playlist" double click the "CreateRunnersPlayList.vbs"Give it the name of the playlist you just created.Give it the pattern you desire (ex 5,1:30 = Five minute run and 90 second walk). Questions? Jeff welch. Download | workout. USA Triathlon.