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Blog de voyage, le voyage par procuration

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Galerie – Street View – Google Maps. Random website dot com. Random Shopper. For this month’s shipment, I got two books: Machiavellian Democracy, by John P.

Random Shopper

McCormick; and Canadian Notabilities Volume I, by John Charles Dent. First, let’s talk about Canadian Notabilities. First of all, it is a work in the public domain that you can read online for free. I’m excited because I knew from my test runs that sooner rather than later I would receive a public domain book. There are tons of these on Amazon—in fact there appear to be nine separate editions of this book alone, available for purchase anywhere from $0 (free ebook) to $88.99 (unadorned paperback)!

365 jours de tournage. ** INDE - Les transports en Inde. A 8800 kilomètres de chez nous, nous voilà arrivées en Inde.

** INDE - Les transports en Inde

Sortie de l'aéroport : un nuage de pollution nous titille les narines et nous pique les yeux, la chaleur nous fait perler le dos et ça grouille de partout. C'est parti, on ne peut plus reculer ! 277 jours.