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Avengers Fanfiction

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Avengers assemble - 9. Other. Multicolored - Trumpeteer34 - The Avengers (2012. Bully - Trumpeteer34 - The Avengers (2012. It was Steve who found out. Six months after the Chitauri invasion, and a meager five and a half months after the funeral, the super soldier happened to overhear some talk while aboard the helicarrier for a meeting with Director Fury. Agent Phil Coulson was alive. Reactions were mixed among the Avengers upon this news, ranging from jovial (Thor) to murderous (Natasha and Tony). Clint and Steve were elated and relieved that Coulson had survived, even if the news had been kept from them for so long. Bruce was relieved for the sake of his teammates, whom the SHIELD agent’s death had hit the hardest. So when Steve returned to the tower and relayed the information to the rest of them, it was quickly declared that they all pay a visit to Fury and demand to see Phil.

Which was exactly what they did. As much as the Director strived to see the six of them assembled, he was not at all thrilled that they had assembled against him and SHIELD. After a brief stare-down, Fury finally relented. “Dr. The Heart in the Machine - AnonEMouse - The Avengers (2012), Iron Man (Movies. The Amazing Hawkeye - Westgate (Harkpad) - The Avengers (2012), Marvel Avengers Movies Universe, The Avengers - All Fandoms. Insomniac Dreaming - Scavenge4Dreams - The Avengers (2012), The Avengers (Marvel Movies. Crime Deterrent - Epiphanyx7 - The Avengers (2012. Chapter Text “Is that an iPhone 7?” Tony asks, looking at the phone in Steve’s hand. Captain America, aka Steve Rogers, aka Pain In Tony’s Ass, And Not In A Good Way, God Damn It, looked up from his piece of frankly appalling inferior technology.

“Yes?” He answers. Tony looks at him. Steve looks back. “You’re going to hell,” Tony tells him. Steve blinks in confusion, as Tony stands up and stalks out of the room, looking absolutely furious. “What did I do?” Maria Hill looks at the phone in Steve’s hand, then at Steve’s face. “Why is he upset?” “I’m sorry,” Hill says, patting him consolingly on the arm. Steve watches her walk away. “The Starkphone 10 has over a hundred gigabytes of internal memory storage,” Tony says, apropos of nothing. They’re sitting in the quinjet, on the way back from robot-bashing training in Northern Canada. “I don’t need a hundred gigabytes of internal memory storage?” Thor looks at him. “I knew that,” Natasha agrees. “Right,” Tony says. Tony looks like he’s sulking. You're the one I like the best - sirona - The Avengers (2012. Hold to be steady - harcourt - Marvel Avengers Movies Universe, Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Avengers (2012. Salvaged - tawg - The Avengers (2012.

Chapter Text In some ways Phil was glad of the emotional buffer that his ebbing apathy provided, otherwise he would have been overwhelmed. Pepper brought him breakfast and news of the world every day. She seemed to understand that sitting up was half the battle, that being able to turn his thoughts to anything beyond his own hopelessness was a whole war to be waged. But Pepper was not someone who backed down from a challenge, and if he wasn’t able to focus on political upheavals and the mess of the economy then she would make him tell her everyone’s birthdays and then read their horoscopes aloud, before bullying him into helping her with the crosswords. Natasha would come and read to him at different times each day. Tony. Phil was honestly tempted to kick the new and improved version out of his suite as well. Captain Rogers nearly killed Phil with charm and kindness. Phil had been too numb to blush or stutter, but had been coherent enough to thank to Captain for the gift.

Rescued - Mikey (mikes_grrl) - The Avengers (2012. Chapter Text The Cor-mmandos were down for the count, sprawled out by the front door waiting for Phil to return. Since he had already returned once, the dogs obviously figured it was just a matter of time. Clint suspected they would stay right there until they died of dehydration or something, which would really get Phil pissed off at him, so he put their water bowls by the door just in case. Exhausted from the emotional whiplash of the day, and figuring he wasn't needed anywhere anyway, Clint went to bed. It was only about three in the afternoon, but he thought a nap was not an unreasonable demand. He woke up three hours later to the sound of the Cor-mmandos whimpering to go out. Clint didn't care, because he was on a countdown to losing them anyway. Steve nattered on until he noticed a couple taking a picture of them and the dogs. Clint gave the fans a tired smile and nodded.

Steve "hmmmm'd" thoughtfully. "Like you would not believe. " "They aren't true, for one thing. Clint frowned. Like sick flowers need the sun - hoosierbitch - The Avengers (2012), Marvel (Movies. And I'll cross oceans like never before - sirona - The Avengers (2012. Love In These Modern Times - nerakrose - The Avengers (2012. JARVIS was coming to realise that he was in trouble. As much trouble as one could be, when one was a disembodied entity in control of the Stark tower and more. JARVIS didn't usually get himself in trouble, and when he did it could always be explained as falling under protocol 3; protection of Tony Stark. (And sometimes protocol 85, but he was not talking about that.)

Yes? DUM-E, if you were interested in someone romantically, how would you go about making your interest known? DUM-E is not capable of romantic feelings. I beg to differ. DUM-E would not like to hump Sir. Forget I asked. Talking to DUM-E was apparently fruitless, so JARVIS decided to find his object of affections. "I could kill for a pizza and a cold beer right now," he muttered, rolling his shoulder.

Oh. When the pizza delivery guy showed up twenty minutes later, JARVIS was oddly pleased. "Uhm. "You're very welcome," JARVIS said softly. "Oh, JARVIS, hey," Clint said, holding up the six pack. "Sir? " "Mhmh? " "Urh. "Whatever. Dog. There's a Dog-Related Pun in There Somewhere (Don't Worry; Tony's On It) - Perpetual Motion (perpetfic) - The Avengers (2012. It happens in a flash. One moment, Phil is standing behind a SHIELD-issue SUV watching the Avengers fight Loki and calculating structural damage, the next he’s somewhere dark and soft, very close to the ground and feeling…strange.

“Coulson is down!” Someone shouts. “Coulson is down!” The yelling is close by, and Coulson tries to yell that he’s fine, just under something silky, but instead of words, he barks. He barks again when he tries to swear, and the third time he barks—to swear some more—the silky thing is lifted off his head, and he realizes it’s his suit jacket.

An agent crouches down and reaches out a hand. Coulson barks an affirmative, and he looks down at himself to gauge the situation. “You’re a corgi, Sir,” Friedman says, and his bland expression starts to crack. Coulson growls before Friedman can say ‘cute’ or ‘adorable.’ “Sir?” Coulson points his nose straight up in the air, glances towards the action, and points his nose again. “Sir?” “Congratulations, boss,” Clint says. Apropos Of Nothing - Gir_Hugs - Multifandom. Chapter Text Pulling into the vehicle annex, Coulson sighed in relief to finally be back at headquarters. The drive had been much more stressful than he would have liked, but now he could dump his burden off in Fury’s lap and have the Director deal with him.

Hopefully. Coulson’s shoes tapped across the cement as he strode to the back of the SUV. He opened the trunk and retrieved the two duffels, studiously ignoring the muted grumbles coming from the teenager as the kid anxiously looked around the new surroundings. “Hey,” Coulson called out to a pair of junior agents idling around.

“Yes, sir,” one junior agent took the duffels and marched off. Turning to the second junior agent, Coulson motioned towards the backseat. Coulson was about to go seek out Director Fury and inform him that the hacker had been brought in, but a pained grunt had him swerving around to the SUV. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Coulson muttered under his breath, swiftly going to neutralize the boy, again. “Sir?” “Yeah? Oh, we're splitting into partners now? I'll go stand over here. - somanyopentabs - The Avengers (2012. Seeing and Believing - Chapter 1 - MissjuliaMiriam - The Avengers (2012), Marvel Avengers Movies Universe.

Chapter Text For all that Steve is honourable and kind and empathetic, he really knows how to hit where it hurts. Maybe his relative virtue even makes it worse, Tony thinks, because for some reason Steve's words are still rattling around in his head, even after they had resolved their differences. Somehow, Steve had managed to point out everything that is wrong with Tony without even trying, and probably without realizing it. So after the final battle against Loki and his army, after Tony nearly threw away everything for them, after the Avengers split and went their separate way (for now), Tony goes for a drive. He's gone for a week. The direct hurt from Steve's sharp tongue fades eventually, but Tony doesn't get much better. Pepper call it depression, and asks him what happened. Eventually, she gets tired of being ignored. “I can't keep doing this, Tony,” is what she says to him.

He looks at her and smiles. Tony does try harder. So the team gets back together, this time to fight Hydra. An Acceptable Loss - RandomSlasher (Trilliah) - The Avengers (2012. The Times They Are A Changin' - TipsyArmadillo - The Avengers (2012), Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types. In Which Hulk Gets A Family - AlexKingOfTheDamned - The Avengers (Marvel Movies. Shock and Raw - EClairedeLoon - The Avengers (2012.

In the Company of Friends - DarkestSight (Daylight) - Multifandom. Tony Stark felt like crap. Turning over onto his back, he let out a long, low groan and stretched out all his limbs, none of them coming close to the edges of his king sized bed. The mattress shifted beneath him, the soft, warm sheets pooling around his body. It couldn’t be morning, he thought. He didn’t care what Jarvis said. Slowly opening his eyes, he blinked. “Sir?” He curled up tighter and pressed the pillow down against his ear. “Sir?” “What, Jarvis?” “I would just like to remind you that if you do not get up in the next five minutes, I am authorized to use the special alarm.”

Tony groaned again. “The one with the mixture of car alarms, police sirens, church bells, various animals howling, and Agent Barton singing in the shower.” “Okay! He tossed the pillow away and pulled himself over to the side of the bed letting his legs gracelessly flop over the edge as he sat up. The room began to spin. Tony yawned and wiped at the grit in his eyes. “Sir, your five minutes are almost up.”

“Hey. “No. Does Joss Whedon Write Your Dialogue? - longdarkteatime - The Avengers (2012. Chapter Text Clint entered the living room to find a mostly penitent and shell-shocked group of superheroes and civilians, the exception being Thor, who was just confused. “Let me see if I understand this right. All of you, every last one of you, decided that my delicate sensibilities were in such danger that, let me repeat, every last one of you had to terrorize and threaten my boyfriend. And not one of you, goddamned superheroes every last one of you, noticed that, hey.

Tony’s actually fucking terrorized! The people he lives with, works with, fights with, the closest thing he has to fucking family all systematically let him know that none of them think he has the ability not to hurt the people he loves. And now you’re goddamned surprised that he nearly had a nervous breakdown in the fucking kitchen?” Clint broke off shouting and scrubbed his hands over his face.

Pepper cleared her throat. “Stop, Pepper. “Yes, he tries, but then he disappears, for days, into his workshop - “ “So do I! Avengers assemble - 5. Permanency - the_wordbutler - The Avengers (2012), Marvel (Comics), Spider-Man (Comicverse. Aftersoon - Fic: Laboratory Conditions. Pendulum. Irreconcilable Differences - determamfidd - The Avengers (2012), Marvel Cinematic Universe. Saving the World (Is Totally a Date) - Wordsplat - The Avengers (2012), Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Chapter Text They took a day off. It was less of a premeditated decision and more of Tony refusing to release the arm around Steve's waist when he tried to get up. Tony's brain function didn't seem to be entirely online, but he didn't need full sentences to be convincing. "Tony, we have work—" "But, Steve. " Tony's hand slipped lower.

"That's your ar-argument? " "Mhm. " "…we did save the world yesterday," Steve admitted. "Mhm. " "We could—ah—" Steve stuttered as Tony twisted his wrist just so. "Mhm. " "Half a day. " Tony didn't answer this time, just wriggled closer to rest his chin on Steve's shoulder as he continued his slow, easy strokes. "See? " "Is this what happens when I do? " "You're pretty sassy for a ninety—" Tony froze. "I was glad, actually. " "I didn't like you because I did like you," Tony admitted. "You really were saving them. " "Are. "Didn't have me at the time, to be fair to you. " "Semantics. "As long as it's not in the SHIELD cafeteria, you're on. " "Is it a first date? " "I don't know. In Which Tony Stark Builds Himself Some Friends (But His Family Was Assigned by Nick Fury) - scifigrl47 - The Avengers (2012.

Every dong has its day - zarathuse - Multifandom. Avengers assemble - 9. Reasons Why (Whether They're Real Or Not) - infinite_wonders - Marvel Avengers Movies Universe, The Avengers (2012), The Avengers - All Fandoms. For Tony, the beginning thoughts of there being a them— as in Tony and Steve together— is like everything else in the fucked-up, train-wreck-waiting-to-happen that he calls his life; it starts off with a bang and a metric fuck-ton of collateral damage. That is to say, Tony’s just been missile bombed through two buildings and a lamp-post, having gotten in the way of an attack meant for fucking Steve; he’s concussed, bleeding from several vital points in his body where his metal suit has bent inward and pierced his organs, and all he can think is a relieved, ‘Thank god he’s okay’ instead of experiencing the usual, ulcer causing mixture of rage and irritation.

And yeah, as far as epiphanies go, it’s not the best— in timing, place or content— but it’s his, and Tony’s never been the type of person to not notice something good when he sees it. --and then proceeds to fly back into the fray as though his entire life hasn’t just changed, for better or for worse. ~o.O.o~ “What happened?” “Hey. Right. Tales of the Bots - scifigrl47 - The Avengers (2012. Coffee into Theorems - Chapter 1 - BladeoftheNebula - Marvel Avengers Movies Universe. Chapter Text Despite saving the world and defeating Loki, the Avengers aren’t instantly friends.

It’s not exactly surprising. The circumstances weren’t really ripe for getting to be buds. Seriously, Tony doesn’t even get to properly meet Barton until they go for shawarma. In spite of this though, when they separate, he thinks they all feel the strings that tie them together, knows that it was Phil Coulson who tied them there, and wonders if they feel the same inevitability of coming together in the future that he does. At first there’s only Tony and Bruce.

The two of them hit it off on the helicarrier and it goes from there. Bruce, of course, feels guilty and tries to make for South America. It takes one month after the tower is completed for the other Avengers to move in. That’s what he says, but Tony can see the strain in his eyes and the tenseness of his body, and- Oh. He’s surprised and he wonders if this was why Coulson was so vague about his cellist. “Hanging around base. “Ok.” “Oh. Phil Coulson's Case Files of the Toasterverse - scifigrl47 - The Avengers (2012.