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Blog Design WordPress Customization. Don’t see what you’re looking for on this list? Send me information about your project using the questionnaire and I’ll be glad to let you know if it’s something I can do. Design and Customization: Website Design [starting at $2300] WordPress is one of the most popular and user friendly content management software programs available on the market, and I highly recommend it for your next website. Store and Membership Site Designs [starting at $3500] WordPress is an excellent CMS and works flawlessly for your next membership site or storefront. Blog Design and Customization: Blog Design [starting at $1250] Since every project is a little different, the best way for me to give you an accurate quote is to submit a Project Questionnaire.

Migration of content from Blogger to WordPress [starting at $225] Move your blog from Blogger to WordPress. Transfer of your Current Blogger Layout to WordPress [starting at $350] Custom Header Design [starting at $175] Buttons, Post Graphics, etc. Favicon [$25]


Jobs. Give Pro Bono - Taproot Foundation. HOW TO: Jump-Start Your Career by Becoming an Online Influencer. David Spark is a veteran tech journalist and the founder of the media production and consulting firm Spark Media Solutions. Spark blogs regularly at Spark Minute. Follow him on Twitter @dspark. For all the advice about how to approach and attract influencers, I haven't seen much written about how to actually become an influencer. It's important, because once you're seen as an influencer, you’re seen as an industry equal and a resource.

You're no longer perceived as a nuisance constantly broadcasting your own agenda, hoping others will relay. Being an influencer yourself is an often overlooked way to engage with other influencers. Always wanted to be an influencer but didn't know where to start? 1. Whether it’s a blog, podcast, YouTube channel, or an endless Twitter stream, you absolutely must be a content producer. 2.

Failing to be an influencer is often the result of conceding the title of "industry influencer" to someone else. 3. 4. Warner has had similar experiences. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Single mom earning online: how to make a bid at Contract Killer. When times get tough, it can often feel like there are no good people left in the world, only people who haven’t yet turned bad.

These bad people will go back on their word, welch on a deal, put themselves first. You owe it to yourself to stay on top. You owe it to yourself to ensure that no matter how bad things get, you’ll come away clean. You owe it yourself and your business not to be the guy lying bleeding in an alley with a slug in your gut. But you’re a professional, right? Nothing bad is going to happen to you. You’re a good guy. Think again chump.

Maybe you’re a gun for hire, a one man army with your back to the wall and nothing standing between you and the line at a soup kitchen but your wits. It was exactly ten years ago today that I first opened my doors for business. If signing a contract I didn’t fully understand made me a stupid son-of-a-bitch, not asking my customers to sign one just makes me plain dumb. Writing a killer contract Your killer contract should cover: Copyrights. Free copywriting contract - download now | John McGarvey - web copywriter. When I started out, I didn’t have any kind of copywriting contract for my clients to sign. But after a few months of relying on informal, emailed proposals, I felt I needed something more official. Yes, contracts are boring, dull, tedious and generally unenjoyable.

But they are important. They explain exactly what each party in a business relationship should expect – and what they have to do. Here’s my copywriting contract for free Most contracts I’ve encountered are written using lots of legalese and can be very confusing. This seemed like a great starting point, so I grabbed it and made some pretty substantial changes. I received a lot of really helpful feedback while working on this. What you need to know about my copywriting agreement Feel free to download my copywriting agreement and use it however you like. You can change it any way you want. Oh – and this is important: I’m not a legal professional, so get your legal eagles to examine it properly if you decide to use it.

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