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O Compre com 1 Clique é válido para qualquer tipo de produto? Como posso comprar vários produtos? Mitchell Duneier - Princeton Sociology. How Do Science And Politics Come Together In Urban Ethnography? I tend to choose my ethnographic projects with an eye to revealing both the common and distinctive elements of humanity. Most people have common bases of life, and many who are presumed to be quite different have some salient “moral” characteristics in common. Slim’s Table was an effort to document commonalities between an invisible inner city black working poor and mainstream society.

Sidewalk tried to disentangle what is common and what is distinctive about unhoused black men on the streets, accounting for the distinctions and similarities in light of history, situation, and structure. [Smart Cities Expose: 10 Cities in Transition] - Powered by Ungoverned Spaces: Alternatives to State Authority in an Era of Softened ... - Google Books. “Imprinting and Moving Around: New Visibilities and Configurations of Public Space in São Paulo ” in Volume 24, Number 2 • Public Culture.

Teresa P. R. Caldeira São Paulo, Brazil, is a city of amazing graffiti and overwhelming amounts of tagging, huge public gatherings, and intense artistic production. It is striated by the rapid movements of motorcycles darting between lines of stalled traffic, by skateboarding and parkour, by rap and break dancing. The city itself is the site and subject of a diverse range of public practices that end up appropriating and producing it in unexpected ways. These interventions in public spaces are transforming and, at the same time, articulating anew the profound social inequalities that have always marked them. In this essay, I analyze some of the transformations and tensions created in São Paulo by two overlapping modes of intervention: imprinting and moving around.

Shifting Ground: New Articulations of Inequality and Public Space Social inequality is probably the most salient characteristic of Brazilian cities. End of Excerpt | access full version Notes. Custodians of Place: Governing the Growth and Development of Cities (American Governance and Public Policy) - Download for free. Custodians of Place. Public Policy: Politics, Analysis, and Alternatives 3e, chapter one. Heterotopias urbanas: Espaços de poder e estratégias sócio-espaciais dos Sem-Teto no Rio de Janeiro. 1 O texto “Outros Espaços” (Des Espace Autres, no original) escrito por Foucault em 1967, foi public (...) * Agradeço ao meu orientador, Prof.

Dr. Marcelo Lopes de Souza, em cuja disciplina, oferecida no PPG (...) 1Antes da discussão e do desenvolvimento da própria idéia heterotopia, tema que motivou o texto “Espaços Outros”1 de Michel Foucault, logo nos primeiros parágrafos, o autor contribui para a elaboração – talvez não intencionalmente – do método ou estratégia de elaboração teórica que, em outras obras e em outros momentos de sua reflexão sobre o poder, ele vai denominar genealogia*. 3Ou ainda, em outras palavras, o artigo de Michel Foucault sobre as heterotopias, ainda que cronologicamente anterior aos outros trabalhos onde o conceito de genealogia em Foucault será desenvolvido com maior fôlego e profundidade, já dá pistas para que seja possível enxergar nele um esboço de uma “genealogia” enquanto esforço metodológico na análise do poder, mas também, do espaço.

RETHINKING THE INFORMAL CITY Critical Perspectives from Latin America. Mapa da Violência. (Un)Rule of Law and the Underprivileged in Latin America // Books // University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Juan E. Méndez, Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, and Guillermo O'Donnell From the Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies This thorough discussion of the idea of “democracies without citizenship” in Latin America considers overcoming political violence and discrimination and analyzes various avenues to institutional judicial reform. The (Un)Rule of Law and the Underprivileged in Latin America, as the fourth part of Project Latin America 2000 from the Helen Kellogg Institute, enlarges the understanding of significant political, economic, and social issues facing Latin America at the threshold of a new century.

The contributors develop arguments around the Latin American system of law which only punishes the poor and marginalized. In addressing lawless violence, the contributors argue that it is no longer the democratic state that directly commits the abuses. Contributors are Juan E. Juan E. Chatterjee-politics_of_the_governed. Intersectionality. Intersectionality (or Intersectionalism) is the study of intersections between forms or systems of oppression, domination or discrimination.[1] The term is particularly prevalent in black feminism, which argues that the experience of being a black female cannot simply be understood in terms of being black, and of being female, considered independently, but must include the interactions, which frequently reinforce each other.[2] Intersectionality is an important paradigm for sociology and cultural studies, but difficulties arise due to the many complexities involved in making "multidimensional conceptualizations"[9] that explain the way in which socially constructed categories of differentiation interact to create a social hierarchy.

The theory of intersectionality also suggests that discrete forms and expressions of oppression are shaped by one another. Historical background[edit] Intersectionality theory and feminist thought[edit] The complexities of intersectionality[edit] 1. 2. 3. Parables for the Virtual: Movement, Affect, Sensation - Brian Massumi. Laughter Out of Place: Race, Class, Violence, and Sexuality in a Rio Shantytown - Donna M. Goldstein. Mayer, Publications. Mayer, M. "Crisis City: Die Krise der amerikanischen Stadt, "in: Marco Althaus, Gerhard Göhler, Cornelia Schmal-Jacobsen, Christian Walther (Hg.) Medien Macht und Metropolen. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang, 2012, pp. 67-82. Mayer, M., "Metropolitan Research in Transatlantic Perspective: Differences, Similarities, and Conceptual Diffusion," in: Dorothee Brantz, Sasha Disko, George Wagner-Kyora, eds., Thick Space: Approaches to Metropolitanism. Bielefeld 2012, pp.105-122.

Mayer, M., "Neil Smith. A Tribute from Berlin," City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action, 16/6 (November) 2012, pp. 144-146. Mayer, M., "Moving beyond 'Cities for People, not for Profit'," City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action, 16/4 (August) 2012, pp.481-483. Interview with Margit Mayer on Urban Social Movements (Kodanikuliikumine ja linnaruum), in SIRP - an Estonian Journal of Cultural Politics, Number 34 (3408), Fall 2012. Mayer, M., J. Mayer, M., J. Crossing the qualitative-quantitative divide II: Inventive approaches to big data, mobile methods, and rhythmanalysis.