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Annie Lambla - Beneath These Streets. Far Rockaway, New York City At this point I had discerned the end-of-line pattern: train enters station. Waiting train across platform waits another 8 seconds, closes doors, and leaves station. Newly-arrived train closes doors, conductor walks length of train opening one door in each car, people trickle on and comfortably settle into the prime seats. 15 minutes later, all doors open to the ringing of the electric bell, train enters station across platform, and the pattern cycles through again.

There's a surprising comfort, a satisfying rhythm to that, a sort of secret at the end of the line, to be savored by those who know how to take advantage of the sanctuary of a subway car at its most peaceful, with one door open and free of the sound of passing trains and superfluous announcements on the speakers. The perfect place to be alone in a crowd. Motus, actualité. Site du Collectif MxM - Actualités. Diario Utópico | Spectacle | Mercredi 22 Février 2012. Fabuler, dit-il – ou la fonction-Quichotte. "Don Quichotte. Non pas tel que le cliché le fixe : idéaliste et jamais raccord à l’époque, mélancolique et d’une pureté inutile. Mais comme motif, opérateur et méthode à la fois pour une écriture aujourd’hui, sonore et performative.

C’est le pari un peu fou de ce spectacle : la fonction-Quichotte ou comment saisir le réel-comme-fable, et le refigurer sans cesse – pour pouvoir y respirer. Traversée du mythe et des stéréotypes qui vont avec, Fabuler, dit-il fait entendre l’étrange production d’une langue qui don quichoterait les choses, possible antidote à l’asphyxie du monde comme il va. Hors-sujet, myope et dur d’oreille, l’Hidalgo dysfonctionne et persiste dans l’entre-deux.

A partir de ces questions, l’idée d’image comme lumière me semble plus juste. Cyril Teste Les artistes de Diario Utópico Distribution et production Coproduction : Collectif MxM, La Gaîté Lyrique, La Muse en circuit-Centre National de Création Musicale. Urbamedia | Regards croisés sur la ville. Urbacolors - Découvrez et Partagez le Street Art. The Goutte-d'Or. A tiny patch of Africa transplanted to Paris, the Goutte-d'Or is one of the last remnants of genuine working-class village life in Paris. Despite desperate struggles by local associations to rescue it from the hands of technocrats determined to "clean up" the area, demolition has already begun and the usual characterless buildings of our times are cropping up, notably the new police station, easily distinguishable by its tricolored flag.

Saturday morning is the best time to come here, when the local population is disproportionately inflated by streams of North Africans surging into the neighbourhood from all over the Paris area.The fun begins in the Métro station of Barbès-Rochechouart, or even before you get there, during the train ride itself. A closer look will bring to your attention the many huge carrier bags bearing the name Tati.

If you want a real taste of the atmosphere, join the crowds and arrive by Métro, but keep an eagle eye on your belongings.