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STORY—Dedicated to Saving Young Lives When NHRA drag racing star Doug Herbert lost his two young sons, Jon and James, in a tragic highway accident in January of 2008, his grief led to his resolve to create a driving program which would help to prevent other families from experiencing similar heartbreak by teaching young drivers more conscientious and confident skills behind the wheel. Herbert wasted no time in putting his mission into motion. That same year, he created B.R.A.K.E.S. (Be Responsible and Keep Everyone Safe), a 501(c)3 organization which provides free advanced driver’s education in a program entitled the Teen Pro-Active Driving Course. Over 5000 teenagers lose their lives each year across the country in traffic accidents. Here are many of the questions B.R.A.K.E.S. receives from those wanting to learn more about this unique and effective program: What are B.R.A.K.E.S. primary goals?

Isn’t conventional driver’s education adequate training for teenagers? Brave New Traveler. Seaside gardens can be the ultimate in soothing landscapes if you know how to work with the elements and choose the right plants. Sitting all day may be wrecking your health. Are you going to stand for that?

Stand-Up Desk Tips There has in recent years been a broad trend away from "desktop" PCs toward laptops and other mobile computers.

Sitting all day may be wrecking your health. Are you going to stand for that?

But buying a laptop for a stand-up desk isn't ideal, because the goal is to incentivize standing. If family members can simply grab a laptop and plunk themselves down on the sofa in front of the TV, all fails. Also, a laptop used without a stand-alone keyboard places the screen very low, just above your hands, which is uncomfortable to use. So it’s a good idea to buy a desktop PC for a stand-up desk. All-in-one computers, such as the Apple iMac line or the Dell XPS One 27, are very good choices for stand-up computers. It's easy for PCs of any kind to bring ugly visual clutter into your home, especially wires and cables all over the place. Stand-up desks can be incredible space-saving devices compared with a regular desk and chair. Another option is just a wall-mounted shelf, with the monitor mounted on the wall. Why a prepaid iPhone is an amazing deal for bargain hunters.

The Apple iPhone has finally come to the prepaid market in the U.S., but is it really worth paying full price for the device when you can get it cheaper from a carrier that is subsidizing the cost?

Why a prepaid iPhone is an amazing deal for bargain hunters

The short answer is "yes. " In this edition of Ask Maggie I explain why even with a higher upfront cost, a prepaid iPhone is a better deal than buying a subsidized version of the same phone from AT&T or Verizon Wireless. And I lay out why prepaid is still cheaper even for people with discounted family plans. I also explain why smartphone shoppers interested in the iPhone or a Microsoft Windows Phone may want to wait until the fall before pulling the trigger on a new phone. How prepaid iPhones can save you a bundle Dear Maggie, My teenage son wants an iPhone desperately.

I saw that a couple of prepaid companies are now offering the iPhone. Thanks for your advice, Marie Dear Marie, It's no secret that you can save a bundle with a prepaid service plan. How much can you save? Let your home show its true colors with these tips for photographing with the right camera settings, lighting and more.


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