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Encyclopaedia Arcana #40: Death Magic. Death mages are the most combat-focused mages of the living family, and among the most combat-focused of all magic types of all families put together.

Encyclopaedia Arcana #40: Death Magic

They’re sometimes referred to as negative energy mages or necromancers (though strictly speaking necromancy is more accurately considered a branch of ritual magic). Death and Taxes There are two ways to understand death magic. In one interpretation, death magic is a hybrid of life and force magic, sharing some traits of both the elemental and living families. While most ‘hybrid’ mages are idiosyncratic, this particular strain is common enough to be recognised as a consistent sub-type. Probably a better way to look at it is to understand death magic in terms of its purpose.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, this doesn’t give death mages the best of reputations. Necrophobia Death mages have a reputation for being evil, unfeeling psychopaths. Death Dealers Death mages are the quintessential battle-mages. Be Sociable, Share! The Library of Knowledge - Advanced Death Magic. Undefined Death magics have been around for as long as humans have grasped the concept of using magic of any form.

The Library of Knowledge - Advanced Death Magic

Even the most basic division of magics must include a segment for that which is known as Necromancy. Though Necromancy currently has a functional etymology to it, this was not always the case. In the medieval ages, "Necromancy" was called "Nigromancy", meaning "Black Magic" (interpreted as that which harms the person). Later on, as "Nigromancy" came to be altered into "Necromancy" through Greek and Italian influences, the art gained a new face. As time has progressed and information may now be more freely shared across the internet, the new breed of Necromancer is capable of once again delving into the secrets of death and of illness, as before. The Necromancer runs into a dilemma while using these essences, however. Vampiric magic is a particular fringe skill of Necromancy focussed on helping the necromancer survive the ordeals of coming in contact with death essences.

A Witch's Cauldron - Main Index. A Witch's Cauldron - Magickal Alphabets. Dragon Magick - The Study Of Draconic Magic to seek your Dragon Guide. Draconic Magick The Study Of Dragon Magick.

Dragon Magick - The Study Of Draconic Magic to seek your Dragon Guide

What is Dragon Magick? Dragon Magick could be defined as using the aid of a Dragon while working magick. The power of Dragons can be a great influence not only in one's magickal working, but in day to day life as well. Dragons are often called on as guardian spirits. What is a Dragon Guide? A Dragon guide is a form of spirit guide. In no way is Dragon magic easy or simple. Connecting With Dragons Be aware though that not everyone is supposed to work Dragon Magic. At yourself. To reach a Dragon, first you need to set aside the science and believe in your heart and mind that the essence of Dragons is out there, we just have to learn to reach it, connect with it. Once you embarked upon this magical path, you find yourself changing, adapting to their thoughts and ways, learning to see things in a new light through new eyes. The next step is to invite a dragon to be your companion. Summon A Dragon Items you will need water dragon protection Be Truth.