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Difunden foto de científico ruso que captó el instante de la muerte. Cada quien saque sus conclusiones. En las redes sociales de internet circula la foto adjunta y el siguiente texto. Lo publicamos íntegro para que cada persona, en un tema tan complejo, saque sus propias conclusiones. Aquí está: El momento de la muerte física (la transicion a otro plano) El momento del desdoblamiento astral en el que el espíritu deja el cuerpo ha sido capturado por un científico ruso, quien fotografió con una cámara bioelectrográfica a una persona en el instante de su muerte. O al meno esto es lo que sostiene el investigador Konstantin Korotkov. La imagen tomada a través del método de visualización de descarga de gas (Gas Discharge Visualization), una técnica avanzada de fotografía de Kirlian, muestra en azul la fuerza vital de la persona gradualmente dejando el cuerpo. Según Korotkov, el ombligo y la cabeza son las partes que primero pierden su fuerza vital (lo que sería el alma) y la entrepierna y el corazón las últimas zonas donde permanece el espíritu antes de navegar por la fantasmagoria del infinito.

Beet Pesto Pasta. I’m just so excited. I feel like SO many of my lovely friends have cookbooks out this spring and I’m so proud of them! I had been waiting a long time for this book to come out by my sweet friend, Heather Christo, and it did not disappoint. You guys — this is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful cookbooks that I have ever seen.

The photography is stunning. The recipes are fabulous {so far, I’ve made four things from the book and going strong!}. I feel like when I’m not developing recipes for this site, I’m cooking Heather’s recipes. I made the beautiful beet pesto pasta recipe out of Heather’s new cookbook to share with you guys today! This vibrant pesto is made from beets, pistachios, garlic, lemon and Parmesan cheese. There’s also an equally lovely asparagus pesto recipe in Heather’s cookbook. I have two SIGNED copies of Heather’s book to give away to you guys today! Good luck and have a lovely day! **This giveaway is now closed and the winners have been notified! Serves 4-6 salt. Jazz y nazismo en el París ocupado. Oficiales nazis en los Campos Elíseos.

La guerra introdujo el jazz en Europa. Esta afirmación, por chocante que pueda resultar, es tan real como paradójica. Los soldados norteamericanos que lucharon en la Primera Guerra Mundial no solo portaron sus armas, sino también su música al viejo continente. Las unidades militares a menudo se hacían acompañar de bandas, generalmente formadas por negros, que interpretaban marchas y ragtimes. En principio, Inglaterra, Francia y Alemania fueron los países donde más rápidamente se asentó.

Al mismo tiempo, en el período de entreguerras, muchos músicos norteamericanos y pequeñas orquestas se lanzaron a la conquista europea. Hot Club de France En 1931 nace en París el Jazz Club Universitaire, que más adelante se transformaría el Hot Club de France, la primera sociedad de fans creada en torno al jazz. Música degenerada Ya en la Alemania prenazi el jazz tuvo sus detractores. Más sangrante aún es el caso de Kurt Weill. Prohibidos los solos negroides.

22 Things Happy People Do Differently | Successify! This article is from Chiara Fucarino. Enjoy! Disclaimer: This article is not intended to address those with clinical depression or other mental illnesses. There are two types of people in the world: those who choose to be happy, and those who choose to be unhappy.

Contrary to popular belief, happiness doesn’t come from fame, fortune, other people, or material possessions. Rather, it comes from within. The richest person in the world could be miserable while a person living in the slums of a third world country could be happy and content. I have spent plenty of time amongst both groups to have seen it first hand. The question is: how do they do that? It’s quite simple. 1. Happy people understand that it’s better to forgive and forget than to let their negative feelings crowd out their positive feelings. 2.

Did you know that it has been scientifically proven that being kind makes you happier? 3. The word “problem” is never part of a happy person’s vocabulary. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The Beginner's Guide To Sexuality and Tantric Sex. Sex is fun, but can you take it to a higher plane of sexual ecstasy and emotional connection? Tantric sexuality can help you achieve all that, and it’s really not as confusing as most people think. Ever wondered what tantric sex and tantric sexuality is all about? When you make love with your partner, the union may perhaps last for a good half an hour or more. But tantric sex can help you prolong the connection and increase sexual intimacy by a hundred fold if done the right way! [Read: 10 sexy and dirty ways to make married sex feel like a one night stand] What is tantric sexuality? According to ancient Indian scriptures, the energy levels of a human body are controlled by nine chakras (wheels) that pass along a vertical straight line.

By activating and creating a connection with these chakras, you can experience happiness, get rid of pain and emotions, or control and enhance any human emotion that you have ever felt. Confusing? [Read: How to give a sensual massage and work your magic] Hungry Monkey. Vuelos baratos y vuelos económicos en momondo. Watch The Minimalist Season 5 Episode 2 online | Cardamom-Scented Oatmeal Pancakes | Web TV. Creamy Curried Celery Root Soup - Recipe and Video - The Minimalist. Food Pyramid Submissions (Raw Image) - StumbleUpon.